Cell Analytics Facility (CAF)

The Cell Analytics Facility is a technology platform from the University of Fribourg. It provides access to the instrumentation, technical expertise and training to perform experiments requiring the technique of Flow Cytometry. We are here to help you get knowledge about flow cytometry, from experimental design to data analysis.

We also provide access on a 10x Chromium controller to prepare your single cell mRNA library and to a QSeq100 instrument to check your mRNA and single cell library quality. 

What we do

  • Provide access to flow cytometer analyzer: BD LSRFortessa, BD FACSCanto II, BC Cytoflex S and Cytek Aurora
  • Maintenance, quality check and troubleshooting on all instruments
  • Provide training and guidance in the use of those instruments
  • Provide all relevant information on our website
  • Provide a booking system (OpenIRIS)
  • Provide a working station for data unmixing and analysis
  • Spread knowledge on flow cytometry through teaching, workshops and hands-on training
  • Offer a service of cell sorting using BD FACSARIA Fusion instrument
  • Offer a service of single cell mRNA library preparation using 10x Genomics technology and mRNA/library quality check before sequencing
  • Provide help on request for experimental panel design, sample preparation and data analysis (manual and unsupervised)

Who can access the core facility?

Our services and facility are available to all research groups from the University of Fribourg and associated Institutes (e.g. Adolphe Merkle Institute), but also to researchers from other universities or companies, upon registration.

Please contact us if you have any questions, ideas or particular needs.