William Duba

Curriculum vitae

Born in 1970; 1992 BA at Oberlin College (Ohio); 1994 MA in History at the University of Iowa; 2006 PhD in History at the University of Iowa, Thesis Title:
“Seeing God: Theology, Beatitude and Cognition in the Thirteenth Century”; 2017 Habilitation in Philosophy at the University of Fribourg, Thesis Title: “The Forge of Doctrine: The Academic Year 1330–31 and the Rise of Scotism at the University of Paris”; Managing Editor, Fragmentology; Responsible for the “e-codices” and “Fragmentarium” platforms.


Domaines de recherche

Scotus, Scotism and medieval Franciscan thought; the history of medieval universities; Greeks and Latins in the Middle Ages; Digital Fragmentology.



Publications: with T. Suarez-Nani (introduction, text), E. Babey (v. 1–2), D. Carron (v. 3), and G. Etzkorn (text), Francisci de Marchia, Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum (Reportatio), v. 1–3, qq. 1–12, qq. 13–27, qq. 28–49 (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy series 3: Francisci de Marchia Opera Philosophica et Theologica), Leuven 2008, 2010, 2012; with Ch. Schabel, Vivarium 47:2–3 (2009), special volume on Geraldus Odonis, also published separately as Geraldus Odonis, Doctor Moralis and Franciscan Minister General, Leiden 2009; with M. Balard, C. Schabel, Actes de Famagouste du notaire génois Lamberto di Sambuceto (décembre 1299–septembre 1300) (Sources et études de l’histoire de Chypre 70), Nicosie 2012; with C. Schabel, Bullarium Hellenicum, Pope Honorius III’s Letters to Frankish Greece and Constantinople (1216–1227) (Mediterranean Nexus 1100–1700 3), Turnhout 2015; with R. L. Friedman and C. Schabel, Studies in Fourteenth-Century Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay, Leuven 2017; The Forge of Doctrine: The Academic Year 1330–31 and the Rise of Scotism at the University of Paris (Studia Sententiarum 2), Turnhout 2017; The Souls After Vienne: Franciscan Theologians’ Views on the Plurality of Forms and the Plurality of Souls, ca. 1315–30, in: Philosophical Psychology and the Other Disciplines, ed. by P. J.J.M. Bakker, S.W. de Boer, C. Leijenhorst, Leiden 2012, pp. 171–272; Three Franciscan Metaphysicians after Scotus: Antonius Andreae, Francis of Marchia, and Nicholas Bonet, in: The Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, ed. by F. Amerini, G. Galuzzo, Leiden 2014, pp. 413–493; Rebuilding the Stemma: Understanding the Manuscript Tradition of Francis of Marchia’s Commentaries on Book II of the Sentences, in: Durand of Saint-Pourçain and his Sentences Commentary: Historical, Philosophical, and Theological Issues, ed. by A. Speer et al. (Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales. Bibliotheca 9), Leuven 2014, pp. 119–169; Bachelors and Masters at Paris in 1319: The lectio finalis of Landolfo Caracciolo, OFM, in: Miscellanea Mediaevalia 39 (2016), Schüler und Meister, ed. by A. Speer, T. Jeschke, pp. 315–370; with Monica Brînzei, Principia on the Sentences of Peter Lombard: Exploring an Uncharted Scholastic Philosophical Genre Across Europe, Turnhout: Brepols 2024 (Studia Sententiarum 7,1-2), xxvii + 1204 pp (ISBN 978-2-503-61208-9), Open Access; with Monica Brînzei, “Introduction” in Principia on the Sentences of Peter Lombard: Exploring an Uncharted Scholastic Philosophical Genre Across Europe, ed. M. Brînzei, W. Duba, Turnhout: Brepols 2024, ix-xxvii; with Russell L. Friedman, “A(nother) Florentine Principium on the Sentences. The Mystery of the Two ‘Prologues’ in Peter of Trabibus’ I Sentences” in Principia on the Sentences of Peter Lombard: Exploring an Uncharted Scholastic Philosophical Genre Across Europe, ed. M. Brînzei, W. Duba, Turnhout: Brepols 2024, 133-156; Book Review of Giuseppe De Gregorio, Marta Luigina Mangini, Maddalena Modesti, eds., Documenti scartati, documenti reimpiegati. Forme, linguaggi, metodi per nuove prospettive di ricerca (Notariorum Itinera. Varia 7), Genoa 2023, ISBN 978-88-97099-84-0 (print), 978-88-97099-85-7 (digital), for Fragmentology 7 (2024), DOI: https://doi.org/10.24446/wtyy




  • “Sorting out the Mass of Liturgical Fragments : An ongoing process”, Fragmenta Liturgica,’École nationale des Chartes, Paris, 6-7 November 2024;

  • “Fragment-ontology”, Ninth Annual Meeting for Reading Medieval Manuscripts, organized by the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (CNRS), the ERC-Restory Project, the ERC Nota Project, The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and the Raby Project, Babeș-Bolyai University, Meneou-Pervolia, Cyprus, 18-25 October 2024;

  • “Constellations, Competition, and Cahorsins between Paris and Avignon, 1317–1318”, Konstellationen. 44. Kölner Mediaevistentagung, Thomas-Institut, University of Cologne, 9-13 September 2024;

  • “Fragmentarium and Digital Fragmentology”, Keynote Lecture, Medieval Fragmentology and the Fragmented Old English Glossed N-Psalter, Alkmaar, Regional Archive (co-organized by Leiden University and the University of Warsaw), 4-5 September 2024;

  • “Ferrara-Florence and the Finality of Knowledge”, Early Modern Debates on the Beatific Vision: Byzantine Revival and Latin Reactions, Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 18-19 June 2024;

  • “Fragments in University Libraries: The Collège de la Sorbonne”, in Fragments and the Big Picture: Using Manuscript Fragments as Historical Sources, special session organized by Books of the Medieval Parish Church ERC Project at the 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies,  Kalamazoo, MI, 9-11 May 2024;

  • “Specificare la mansione: trovare una dimore elettronica per i frammenti documentari”, Rappresentare la Frammentarietà. Seminario per una metodologia descrittiva dei frammenti documentari medievali di riuso, Università degli Studi di Milano, 30 April 2024;

    Invited Lectures

  • “Fragmentarium”, presentation to the Ant-Com: From Antiquity to Community Consortium (Horizon MSCA Doctoral Network), Syddansk Universitet, Odense, 21 March 2024;

  • “Textual Criticism and Editorial Methodology: Coming to Terms with Medieval University Texts”, Invited Lecture, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Bristol, 1 February 2024;


  • Invited Participant, Round Table, “Bibliotheksforschung im digitalen Zeitalter”, Wissen im Raum: Mittelalterliche Bibliotheken und ihre Rekonstruktion. Zugänge – Ordnungen – Funktionen, Universität Bern, 26-28 June 2024;

  • Invited Participant, Round Table, “Futures of Fragmentology”, sponsored by Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures, at the 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies,  Kalamazoo, MI, 9-11 May 2024;

    Fragmentarium Video Conferences, Season 3

  • Adinel Dincă, UBB Cluj-Napoca, “Constantin I. Karadja (1889-1950), the Righteous Bibliophile and his Mediaeval Manuscritp Fragments”, 12 April 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbciG6F_BKk;
  • Chiara de Angelis (University of Cassino), Philipp Lenz and Brigitte Roux (Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen), “Showcase of Newly-Published Fragments from St. Gall”, 31 May 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwhWLhMnfZE;
  • Lucie Moruzzis and Isabelle Scappazzoni (Archives nationales), “Conserving, Restoring, and Documenting Fragments: The Case of the French National Archives”, 7 June 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs6dVYAuX6w;
  • Anna de Bakker, DACT Project, Dalhousie University, “Leavins and Links: Enhancing Fragmentarium’s collection of musically-notated liturgical chant fragments”, 5 July 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzV9cWTUwxg;


  • “Convertibility and Controversy, Hervaeus Natalis’s Reaction to Peter Auriol”, Hervé de Nédellec au 700e anniversaire de sa mort, la Sorbonne, Paris, 09–10.11.2023;
  • with C. Schabel, “Francesco d’Appignano on Instrumental Causality”, IX Convegno Internazionale su Fr. Francesco d’Appignano, Appignano del Tronto, 08–09.09.2023;
  • “’Veruptamen discordia est inter eius sequaces’. William of Alnwick among the Scotists of the 1320s”, William of Alnwick and the Early Scotistic Tradition, Giovinazzo, 05–06.06.2023;
  • “Fragments in Mediaş, Resurrecting Lost Libraries”, Closer to the Creator, Parish Archives and Libraries in Premodern Times (ca. 1350–1650), Casa Schuller, Mediaş, Romania;
  • “Nicholas Bonetus’ White-Tie Formalism”, Distinction and Identity in Late-Scholastic Thought and Beyond, 15–17.05.2023, Université Catholique de Louvain;
  • “Building a Fragmentological Database for the Next Decade”, Fragments and Fragmentariness in the Humanitiesand Cultural Heritage, University of Urbino, 08–10.05.2023;

Invited Lectures

  • “Fragmentology, Manuscripts and Digital Technologies”, four-hour lecture, Collegio Dottorale, Università di Macerata, 11.05.2023;
  • “Paris, 1240s, and the pseudo-Raoul de Colebruge”, Invited Lecture, NOTA Conference Series, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 28.03.2023;


  • Invited Participant, Round Table, “Portale der Gedächtnisinstitutionen”, Archäologie der Handschrift. Erschliessung, Präsentation und Forschung im digitalen Raum”, 09–11.10.2023;
  • Presenter, Fragmentologie – Aktuelle Ansätze der wissenschaftlichen Analyse mittelalterlicher Handschriftenfragmente mit einem anwendungsorientierten Praxisteil zur digitalen Erschließung, Nachwuchs-workshop of the 28th Colloquium of the Wolfram von Eschenbach-Gesellschaft, led by Inci Bozkaya and Lena Stockburger, 13.09.2023;
  • Workshop Lead (assisted by Dr. Laura Albiero), “Digital Scholarly Cataloguing” for the Research Project Digital Explorations, Opening the Medieval Manuscript Fragments from the Ripon Cathedral Library, P.I. Dr. N. Kivilcim Yavuz, Co-investigators, Prof. Emma Cayley, Jodie Double, Rob Fitzgerald, University of Leeds, 03–05.05.2023;
  • Organizer, Host, Fragmentarium Video Conferences, a monthly series of lectures on  Fragmentology, series 2, Spring 2023. (https,//www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-dRazqsoIDhr_QVbzIBjg).