GISTAM - Forecasting Travel Times with Space Partitioning Methods.
Jhonny Pincay and Alvin Oti Mensah and Edy Portmann and Luis Terán (SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2020)
| Buch
essentials - Fuzzy Humanist: Trilogie Teil III: Von der Fuzzy-Logik zum Computing with Words
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buch
essentials - Fuzzy Leadership: Trilogie Teil I: Von den Wurzeln der Fuzzy-Logik bis zur smarten Gesellschaft
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buch
essentials - Fuzzy Management: Trilogie Teil II: Einsatz der unscharfen Logik für Business Intelligence
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buch
essentials - Chatbots gestalten mit Praxisbeispielen der Schweizerischen Post: HMD Best Paper Award 2018
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buch
Wirtschaftsinformatik in Theorie und Praxis - Wirtschaftsinformatik in Theorie und Praxis
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017)
| Buch
The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Managerial Decision Making Processes - The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Managerial Decision Making Processes: Latest Research and Case Studies
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann and Kilian Stoffel and Luis Tern (Springer International Publishing, 2017)
| Buch
Smart City. Strategie, Governance und Projekte
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016)
| Buch
Towards Cognitive Cities - Towards Cognitive Cities : Advances in Cognitive Computing and its Application to the Governance of Large Urban Systems
Edy Portmann and Matthias Finger (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
| Buch
AIC - Developing Initial State Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Self-Organizing Maps
Marcel Wehrle and Edy Portmann and Alexander Denzler and Meier Andreas (2015)
| Buch
The FORA Framework - A Fuzzy Grassroots Ontology for Online Reputation Management
Edy Portmann, Hrsg. Andreas Meier and Andreas Pedrycz and Edy Portmann (Heidelberg: Springer, 2013)
| Buch
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Applied Sciences and Engineering - Fuzzy Web Knowledge Aggregation, Representation, and Reasoning for Online Privacy and Reputation Management
Edy Portmann and Witold Pedrycz (United States: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013)
| Buch
The FORA Framework
Edy Portmann (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013)
| Buch
The FORA Framework: A Fuzzy Grassroots Ontology for Online Reputation Management
Portmann, Edy (Springer, 2012), ISBN: 9783642332326
| Buch
FGST - Customized mashups for improved reputation visualization
Nicolas Spycher and Edy Portmann (IEEE, 2012)
| Buch
The FORA Framework: A Fuzzy Grassroots Ontology for Online Reputation Management
Edy Portmann (2012)
| Buch
Prometheus Framework for Fuzzy Information Retrieval in Semantic Spaces
Edy Portmann (Human – Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2, Springer, Volume Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Number Advances in Soft Computing (2011), 2011)
| Buch
Informationsextraktion aus Weblogs - Grundlagen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der gezielten Informationssuche
Edy Portmann (Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag, 2008)
| Buch
Informationsextraktion aus Weblogs. Grundlagen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der gezielten Informationssuche.
Edy Portmann (Buch, 2008)
| Buch
Interaktionen in der Konversationstheorie und auf Basis eines Rechnens mit Worten
Edy Portmann (2024)
| Buchkapitel
Applied Large-Scale Group Decision Making Using Systemic Consensus and Fuzzy Method of Comparative Linguistic Expressions
Edy Portmann, Benjamin Emmenegger, Georgiana Bigea (2023)
| Buchkapitel
Distance Metrics for Evaluating the Use of Exogenous Data in Load Forecasting
Ramón Christen, Luca Mazzola, Alexander Denzler, Edy Portmann (2022)
| Buchkapitel
A Methodology for Mapping Perceived Spatial Qualities
Moreno Colombo, Jhonny Pincay, Oleg Lavrovsky, Laura Iseli, Joris van Wezemael, Edy Portmann (2022)
| Buchkapitel
Semantic Similarity Between Adjectives and Adverbs—The Introduction of a New Measure
Moreno Colombo and Edy Portmann (Germany: Springer International Publishing, 2020)
| Buchkapitel
Artificial Intelligence – The Mindfire Foundation and Other Initiatives
Moreno Colombo and Edy Portmann and Pascal Kaufmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020)
| Buchkapitel
Chatbots bei der Schweizerischen Post
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Wir gehören ins Team Human
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Herausforderungen in der digitalen Transformation
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Theoretische Grundlagen zu Chatbots
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Frage-Antwort-Systeme als Computing with Words Use Case
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Kollektive Intelligenz fürs Team Human
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Portfolio Management
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
A Fuzzy-Based Recommender System: Case Börsenspiel for Swiss Universities
José Mancera and Minh Tue Nguyen and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Zum μ der unscharfen Logik
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Ontological Design for Cognitive Cities: The New Principle for Future Urban Management
Sara D’Onofrio and Astrid Habenstein and Edy Portmann (IGI Global, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Human Smart Cities
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Performance Measurement und Controlling
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Wo führt die Reise hin
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Fuzzy Leadership
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Das Tao des Computing with Words
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
eSociety Reloaded
Edy Portmann and Andreas Meier (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Fuzzy Logic = Computing with Words
Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Fazit zur bewussten und unbewussten Business Intelligence
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Toni Stucki and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019)
| Buchkapitel
Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Arouse Learning Processes in Cities
, in Designing Cognitive Cities
Sara D’Onofrio and Elpiniki Papageorgiou and Edy Portmann (Springer, 2018)
| Buchkapitel
A Dynamic Route Planning Prototype for Cognitive Cities
, in Designing Cognitive Cities
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Jorge Parra and Thomas Krebs and Noémie Zurlinden and Edy Portmann and Thomas Myrach, Hrsg. Edy Portmann and Marco E. Tabacchi and Rudolf Seising and Astrid Habenstein (Springer, 2018)
| Buchkapitel
An Exploration of Creative Reasoning
Enric Trillas and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2018)
| Buchkapitel
A Dynamic Route Planning Prototype for Cognitive Cities
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Jorge Parra and Thomas Krebs and Noémie Zurlinden and Edy Portmann and Thomas Myrach (Springer International Publishing, 2018)
| Buchkapitel
Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Arouse Learning Processes in Cities
Sara D’Onofrio and Elpiniki Papageorgiou and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2018)
| Buchkapitel
Designing Cognitive Cities
Marco Elio Tabacchi and Edy Portmann and Rudolf Seising and Astrid Habenstein (Springer International Publishing, 2018)
| Buchkapitel
Advancing Cognitive Cities with Web of Things
, in New Advances in the Internet of Things
Sara D’Onofrio and Simone Marina Franzelli and Edy Portmann, Hrsg. Ronald R Yager and Jordán Pascual Espada (Springer International Publishing, 2017)
| Buchkapitel
Was ist „Wirtschaftsinformatik in Action“? Eine Wegleitung zu den folgenden Kapiteln
Edy Portmann and Daniel Risch (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017)
| Buchkapitel
A Proposal for the Next Generation of Courier Delivery and Storage in the Shared Economy
Joël Vogt and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017)
| Buchkapitel
Gestaltungs- und praxisorientierte Promotionsarbeiten im Spannungsfeld zwischen Anwendung und Forschung
Dona Mommsen and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017)
| Buchkapitel
Enhanced Knowledge Management by Synchronizing Mind Maps and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann and Patrick Kaltenrieder and Thomas Myrach (Springer International Publishing, 2017)
| Buchkapitel
Synthetische Modellierung von Informationssystemen
Michael Kaufmann and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017)
| Buchkapitel
Advancing Cognitive Cities with the Web of Things
Sara D’Onofrio and Simone Marina Franzelli and Edy Portmann (Germany: Springer International Publishing, 2017)
| Buchkapitel
Cognitive Cities: An Application for Nairobi. Text Message Participation of Slum Inhabitants to Improve Sanitary Facilities
, in Towards cognitive cities: advances in cognitive computing and its applications to the governance of large urban systems
Sara D’Onofrio and Noémie Zurlinden and Dominique Gadient and Edy Portmann, Hrsg. Edy Portmann and Matthias Finger (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Open Smart City: Good Governance für smarte Städte
, in Smart City - Strategie, Governance und Projekte
Astrid Habenstein and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann and Matthias Stürmer and Thomas Myrach, Hrsg. Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann (Wiesbaden: Springer, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Digital Personal Assistant for Cognitive Cities: A Paper Prototype
, in Towards cognitive cities: advances in cognitive computing and its applications to the governance of large urban systems
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Elpiniki Papageorgiou and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Smarte Logistik- und Mobilitätslösungen für die Stadt der Zukunft: Entwicklungsbeispiele der Schweizerischen Post
, in Smart City - Strategie, Governance und Projekte
Claudia Pletscher and Stefan Regli and Roman Cueni and Thierry Golliard and Edy Portmann (Springer, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Verbalization of Dependencies Between Concepts Built Through Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
, in Towards cognitive cities: advances in cognitive computing and its applications to the governance of large urban systems
Marcel Wehrle and Marc Osswald and Edy Portmann, Hrsg. Edy Portmann and Matthias Finger (Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Smarte Logistik- und Mobilitätslösungen für die Stadt der Zukunft: Entwicklungsbeispiele der Schweizerischen Post
Claudia Pletscher and Stefan Regli and Roman Cueni and Thierry Golliard and Edy Portmann (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Digital Personal Assistant for Cognitive Cities: A Paper Prototype
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Elpiniki I. Papageorgiou and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
What Are Cognitive Cities
Matthias Finger and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Verbalization of Dependencies Between Concepts Built Through Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Marcel Wehrle and Marc Osswald and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Applying the Fuzzy Analytical Network Process in Digital Marketing
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (IGI Global, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Cognitive Cities: An Application for Nairobi
Sara D’Onofrio and Noémie Zurlinden and Dominique Gadient and Edy Portmann (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Open Smart City : Good Governance für smarte Städte
Astrid Habenstein and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann and Matthias Stürmer and Thomas Myrach (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016)
| Buchkapitel
Applying the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process in digital marketing
, in Fuzzy Optimization and Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Digital Marketing
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2015)
| Buchkapitel
A Conceptual Model to Combine Creativity Techniques with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Enhanced Knowledge Management
, in Integrated Systems: Innovations and Applications
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Edy Portmann and Nicolas Kai Binggeli and Thomas Myrach, Hrsg. Madjid Fathi (Springer, 2015)
| Buchkapitel
What are cognitive cities?
, in Towards cognitive cities: advances in cognitive computing and its applications to the governance of large urban systems
Edy Portmann and Matthias Finger (Springer International Publishing, 2015)
| Buchkapitel
The Web KnowARR Framework: Orchestrating Computational Intelligence with Graph Databases
, in Information Granularity, Big Data, and Computational Intelligence
Edy Portmann and Patrick Kaltenrieder, Hrsg. Witold Pedrycz and Shyi-Ming Chen (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015)
| Buchkapitel
A Conceptual Model to Combine Creativity Techniques with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Enhanced Knowledge Management
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Edy Portmann and Nicolas Kai Binggeli and Thomas Myrach (Springer International Publishing, 2015)
| Buchkapitel
Applying the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process in digital marketing
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann (IGI Global, 2015)
| Buchkapitel
Fuzzy Web Knowledge Aggregation, Representation, and Reasoning for Online Privacy and Reputation Management
, in Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Applied Sciences and Engineering ? From Fundamentals to Extensions and Learning Algorithms
Edy Portmann and Witold Pedrycz, Hrsg. Elpiniki I. Papageorgiou (Springer, 2014)
| Buchkapitel
The Web KnowARR Framework: Orchestrating Computational Intelligence with Graph Databases
Edy Portmann and Patrick Kaltenrieder (Springer International Publishing, 2014)
| Buchkapitel
Prometheus Framework for Fuzzy Information Retrieval in Semantic Spaces
, in Human ? Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2
Aliaksei Andrushevich and Michael Fercu and Jörn Hopf and Edy Portmann and Alexander Klapproth, Hrsg. Zdzislaw Hippe and Juliusz L. Kulikowski and Tteresa Mroczek (Springer, 2012)
| Buchkapitel
Fuzzy Online Reputation Analysis Framework
, in Fuzzy Methods for Customer Relationship Management and Marketing: Applications and Classification
Edy Portmann and Tam Nguyen and Jose Sepulveda and Adrian David Cheok, Hrsg. Andreas Meier and Laurent Donzé (IGI Global, 2012)
| Buchkapitel
Prometheus Framework for Fuzzy Information Retrieval in Semantic Spaces
Aliaksei Andrushevich and Michael Fercu and Jörn Hopf and Edy Portmann and Alexander Klapproth (United States: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012)
| Buchkapitel
Fuzzy Online Reputation Analysis Framework
Edy Portmann and Tam Nguyen and Jose Sepulveda and Adrian David Cheok (IGI Global, 2012)
| Buchkapitel
Fuzzy Online Reputation Analysis Framework
Edy Portmann and Tam V. Nguyen and Jose Sepulveda and Adrian David Cheok (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012)
| Buchkapitel
Extraktion und kartographische Visualisierung von Informationen aus Weblogs
, in In: HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Heft 271, S. 81-90, Februar 2010, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
Edy Portmann (2010)
| Buchkapitel
Rezension „Literary Theory for Robots“
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2024) | Artikel
Rezension „The Psychology of Totalitarianism“
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Artikel
Gefühltes Wissen?
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Artikel
Computational Ethics
s der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Artikel
Rezension „The Age of A.I.: And Our Human Future“
s der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Artikel
HMD 344 Digitale Ethik im KI-Zeitalter
s der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2022) | Artikel
Schlusspunkt: Demokratie in Zeiten des Internets – (m)ein Reifungsprozess
Informatik Spektrum (2020) | Artikel
Editorisches Interview: Demokratie in Zeiten des Internets
Informatik Spektrum (2020) | Artikel
Rezension „Small Data“
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2019) | Artikel
Eine Architektur zur Transformation von Städten in Human Smart Cities
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2018) | Artikel
Rezension „Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy“
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2018) | Artikel
Wohin führen uns Distributed-Ledger-Technologien?
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2018) | Artikel
Cognitive Computing - Theoretische Grundlagen und Praxisbeispiele der Schweizerischen Post
Informatik Spektrum (2018) | Artikel
Cognitive Computing – Teil 2
Informatik Spektrum (2018) | Artikel
Chatbot – Der digitale Helfer im Unternehmen: Praxisbeispiele der Schweizerischen Post
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2018) | Artikel
Cognitive Computing
Informatik-Spektrum (2018) | Artikel
?Züri wie neu ?: Public Value von Online-Partizipation
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2017) | Artikel
Cognitive Computing in Smart Cities
Informatik-Spektrum (2017) | Artikel
The Gradual Arrival of Fuzziness in Switzerland
Archives for the Philosophie and History of Soft Computing (2017) | Artikel
Sharing-Konzepte in Smart Cities: Praxisbeispiele der PostAuto Schweiz AG
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2017) | Artikel
Lösungsansätze für die Städte der Zukunft
Innovative Verwaltung (2017) | Artikel
Wozu ist Soft Computing nützlich? Reflexionen anhand der Smart-City-Forschung
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2017) | Artikel
Sharing-Konzepte in Smart Cities: Praxisbeispiele der PostAuto Schweiz AG
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2017) | Artikel
„Züri wie neu “: Public Value von Online-Partizipation
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2017) | Artikel
Granular computing as a tool of human data interaction - a cognitive cities use case
Granular Computing (2016) | Artikel
Cognitive Computing in Smart Cities
Informatik Spektrum (2016) | Artikel
PostGrid: Das smarte Netzwerk der Schweizerischen Post für eine intelligentere Stadt
Informatik Spektrum (2016) | Artikel
Smart Cities
Informatik-Spektrum (2016) | Artikel
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015) | Artikel
Rezension ?Smart City konkret ? Eine Zukunftswerkstatt in Deutschland zwischen Idee und Praxis?
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015) | Artikel
Rezension "Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia. New York 2013."
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015) | Artikel
Smart Cities ? Ein Überblick!
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015) | Artikel
Von Fuzzy-Sets zu Computing-with-Words
Informatik-Spektrum (2015) | Artikel
Cognitive computing leads to the next level of answering questions on the Web
Tiny Transactions on Computer Science (2015) | Artikel
50 Jahre Fuzzy Sets
Informatik-Spektrum (2015) | Artikel
FORA - A fuzzy set based framework for online reputation management
Fuzzy Sets and Systems (2015) | Artikel
Rezension „Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia“
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015) | Artikel
Rezension „Smart City konkret – Eine Zukunftswerkstatt in Deutschland zwischen Idee und Praxis“
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015) | Artikel
Von Fuzzy-Sets zu Computing-with-Words
Informatik Spektrum (2015) | Artikel
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015) | Artikel
Smart Cities - ein Überblick
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015) | Artikel
50 Jahre Fuzzy Sets
Informatik Spektrum (2015) | Artikel
Applying Fuzzy Ontologies to Implement the Social Semantic Web
ACM SIGWEB Newsletter (2014) | Artikel
FORA - A Fuzzy Set Based Framework for Online Reputation Management
Fuzzy sets and systems (2014) | Artikel
"Applying fuzzy ontologies to implement the social semantic web" by Edy Portmann, Patrick Kaltenrieder and Noémie Zurlinden with Martin Vesely as coordinator
ACM Sigweb Newsletter (2014) | Artikel
A Restriction-Centered Theory of Reasoning and Computation to materialize a Web 3.0
Tiny Transactions on Computer Science Volume (2013) | Artikel
Web 3.0 Monitoring im Stakeholder Management
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2013) | Artikel
Web 3.0 Monitoring im Stakeholder-Management
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2013) | Artikel
Wie Social Media unser Gehirn verändert
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2012) | Artikel
Nutzungspotentiale interner Weblogs bei
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2012) | Artikel
Towards an Emergent Semantic Web
Tiny Transactions on Computer Science (2012) | Artikel
Wie Social Media unser Gehirn verändert
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2012) | Artikel
Nutzungspotenziale interner Weblogs bei
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2012) | Artikel
Blogosphäre - Soziale Netzwerke als Trendsetter
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2011) | Artikel
Blogosphäre - Soziale Netzwerke als Trendsetter
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2011) | Artikel
Blogosphäre - Soziale Netzwerke als Trendsetter
Communitys im Web, dpunkt.verlag GmbH, Volume 48. Jahrgang, Heidelberg, p.37-48 (2011) (2011) | Artikel
A Fuzzy Grassroots Ontology For Improving Social Semantic Web Search
Proceedings of 6th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators,, Benevento, p.189-194 (2011) (2011) | Artikel
Extraktion und kartographische Visualisierung von Informationen aus Weblogs
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2010) | Artikel
A Fuzzy Grassroots Ontology for improving Weblog Extraction
Journal of Digital Information Management (2010) | Artikel
Extraktion und kartografische Visualisierung von Informationen aus Weblogs
Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2010) | Artikel
A Fuzzy Grassroots Ontology for improving Weblog Extraction
Journal of Digital Information Management (2010) | Artikel
A Fuzzy Grassroots Ontology for improving Weblog Extraction
In: Journal of Digital Information Management, pp. 276-284, August 2010, Chennai, India. (2010) | Artikel
Prometheus – Fuzzy Information Retrieval for Semantic Homes and Environments
In: Proceeding for the third International Conference on Human System Interaction, pp. 757-762, May 13-15, 2010, Rzeszów, Poland. (2010) | Artikel
Grateful Chatbots: Public Sensemaking through Individual Gratitude Interventions
Edy Portmann, Timo Schuler,
(3.4.2023) | Konferenz
A Proposal for an Explainable Fuzzy-based Deep Learning System for Skin Cancer Prediction
Servio Lima and Luis Teran and Edy Portmann,
2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE
(2020) | Konferenz
Jingle Jungle Maps - Capturing Urban Sounds and Emotions in Maps
Timo Spring and Donat Ajro and Jhonny Pincay and Moreno Colombo and Edy Portmann,
2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE
(2020) | Konferenz
Partitioning Space to Identify En-Route Movement Patterns
Jhonny Pincay and Alvin Oti Mensah and Edy Portmann and Luis Teran,
2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE
(2020) | Konferenz
A Framework for a Crowdsourced Creation of Smart City Wheels
Moreno Colombo and Saskia Hurle and Edy Portmann and Elias Schafer,
2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG): IEEE
(2020) | Konferenz
Health Recommender Systems: A State-of-the-Art Review
(2019) | Konferenz
ICEIS (Revised Selected Papers) - A Fuzzy Reasoning Process for Conversational Agents in Cognitive Cities.
Germany: Springer International Publishing
(2019) | Konferenz
FUZZ-IEEE - Fuzzy Reasoning in Cognitive Cities : An Exploratory Work on Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
(2018) | Konferenz
ICEIS (1) - Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning in Cognitive Cities - A Conceptual Framework for Urban Dialogue Systems.
SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
(2018) | Konferenz
Striving for Semantic Convergence with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Graph Databases
Sara D’Onofrio and Marcel Wehrle and Edy Portmann and Thomas Myrach,
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems:
(2017) | Konferenz
Analyzing and Integrating Dynamic Profiles on Voting Advice Applications
Luis Teràn and Ulzhan Kakenova and Edy Portmann,
10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance:
(2017) | Konferenz
FUZZ-IEEE - Striving for semantic convergence with fuzzy cognitive maps and graph databases
(2017) | Konferenz
The Gradual Arrival of Fuzziness in Switzerland
(2017) | Konferenz
ICEGOV - Analyzing and Integrating Dynamic Profiles on Voting Advice Applications
ACM Press
(2017) | Konferenz
Personal Digital Assistant 2.0 - A Software Prototype for Cognitive Cities
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Timur Altun and Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann and Thomas Myrach,
2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2016): IEEE
(2016) | Konferenz
Synchronizing Mind Maps with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Decision-Finding in Cognitive Cities
Sara D’Onofrio and Noémie Zurlinden and Edy Portmann and Patrick Kaltenrieder and Thomas Myrach,
New York: ACM
(2016) | Konferenz
Intuitive Knowledge Connectivity: Design and Proto-typing of Cross-Platform Knowledge Networks
Michael Kaufmann and Andreas Waldis and Patrick Siegfried and Gwendolin Wilke and Edy Portmann and Matthias Hemmje,
KSEM 2016:
(2016) | Konferenz
Transforming Fuzzy Graphs into Linguistic Variables
Marc Osswald and Marcel Wehrle and Edy Portmann and Alex Denzler,
NAFIPS'2016 conference: IEEE IExplore
(2016) | Konferenz
FUZZ-IEEE - Personal digital assistant 2.0 — A software prototype for cognitive cities
(2016) | Konferenz
Granular computing as a basis of human–data interaction: a cognitive cities use case
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
(2016) | Konferenz
NAFIPS - Transforming fuzzy graphs into linguistic variables
(2016) | Konferenz
KSEM - Intuitive Knowledge Connectivity: Design and Prototyping of Cross-Platform Knowledge Networks
Germany: Springer International Publishing
(2016) | Konferenz
ICEGOV - Synchronizing Mind Maps with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Decision-Finding in Cognitive Cities
ACM Press
(2016) | Konferenz
Fuzzy knowledge representation in cognitive cities
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Edy Portmann and Thomas Myrach,
2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2015): IEEE
(2015) | Konferenz
Developing Initial State Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Self-Organizing Maps
Marcel Wehrle and Edy Portmann and Alex Denzler and Meier Andreas,
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition:
(2015) | Konferenz
Biomimetics in Design Oriented Information Systems Research
Michael Kaufmann and Edy Portmann,
At the Vanguard of Design Science: First Impressions and Early Findings from Ongoing Research Research-in-Progress Papers and Poster Presentations from the 10th International Conference: DESRIST 2015
(2015) | Konferenz
Enhancing multidirectional communication for cognitive cities
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Edy Portmann and Sara D’Onofrio,
Quito: IEEE
(2015) | Konferenz
Knowledge representation through graphs
Edy Portmann and Patrick Kaltenrieder and Witold Pedrycz,
Procedia Computer Science: Elsevier
(2015) | Konferenz
Enhancing multidirectional communication for cognitive cities
(2015) | Konferenz
SCSE - Knowledge representation through graphs
Elsevier BV
(2015) | Konferenz
FUZZ-IEEE - Fuzzy knowledge representation in cognitive cities
(2015) | Konferenz
Biomimetics in Design Oriented Information Systems Research
(2015) | Konferenz
Applying the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process in Cognitive Cities
Patrick Kaltenrieder and Edy Portmann and Sara D’Onofrio and Matthias Finger,
Conference Proceedings: ACM
(2014) | Konferenz
Combining Bottom-up and Top-down Generation of Interactive Knowledge Maps for Enterprise Search
Michael Kaufmann and Gwendolin Wilke and Edy Portmann and Knut Hinkelmann,
Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management. 7th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: KSEM 2014: Springer
(2014) | Konferenz
Towards an SMS-based Social Network for Health Workers in Rural Areas in Myanmar
Joël Vogt and Eugenia Martin and Edy Portmann and Nasim Mahmud,
3rd International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV):
(2014) | Konferenz
Keeping citizens, companies, and organizations informed by Web KnowARR
Edy Portmann,
First International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG), 2014: IEEE
(2014) | Konferenz
Keeping citizens, companies, and organizations informed by Web KnowARR
(2014) | Konferenz
KSEM - Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down Generation of Interactive Knowledge Maps for Enterprise Search
Germany: Springer International Publishing
(2014) | Konferenz
Towards an SMS-based social network for health workers in rural areas in Myanmar
(2014) | Konferenz
ICEGOV - Applying the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process in cognitive cities
ACM Press
(2014) | Konferenz
A Concept of Semantics Extraction from Web Data by Induction of Fuzzy Ontologies
Michael Kaufmann and Edy Portmann and Madjid Fathi,
South Dakota: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE )
(2013) | Konferenz
A concept of semantics extraction from web data by induction of fuzzy ontologies
(2013) | Konferenz
Customized mashups for improved reputation visualization
Nicolas Spycher and Edy Portmann,
Piscataway (N.J.): IEEE
(2012) | Konferenz
A fuzzy risk attitude classification based on prospect theory
Yang Li and Edy Portmann,
Taichung, Taiwan: IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated
(2012) | Konferenz
A distributed, semiotic-inductive and human-Oriented approach to web-scale knowledge retrieval
Edy Portmann and Michael Alexander Kaufmann and Cédric Graf,
New York: ACM
(2012) | Konferenz
Web-KRM@CIKM - A distributed, semiotic-inductive, and human-oriented approach to web-scale knowledge retrieval
ACM Press
(2012) | Konferenz
A fuzzy risk attitude classification based on prospect theory
(2012) | Konferenz
A fuzzy grassroots ontology for improving social semantic web search
Edy Portmann,
Proceedings of 6th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators: Lulu
(2011) | Konferenz
Soft Computing-Approximate Reasoning Method for the Semantic Web
(2011) | Konferenz
Prometheus ? Fuzzy Information Retrieval for Semantic Homes and Environments
Edy Portmann and Aliaksei Andrushevich and Rolf Kistler and Alexander Klapproth,
3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI): IEEE
(2010) | Konferenz
Prometheus — Fuzzy information retrieval for semantic homes and environments
(2010) | Konferenz
Weblog extraction with fuzzy classification methods
Edy Portmann,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies: IEEE
(2009) | Konferenz
Weblog extraction with fuzzy classification methods
(2009) | Konferenz
Weblogs: Einführung, Management und Übung
Edy Portmann,
CAS Business Information Analytics, Hochschule Luzern
(23.10.2010) | Konferenz
Suchmaschinen: Basiskonzepte, Benutzerverhalten und Übungen
Edy Portmann,
CAS Business Information Analytics, Hochschule Luzern
(22.10.2010) | Konferenz
Führungsinformationssysteme unter Nutzung der unscharfen Logik – Fallbeispiel coop@home.
Edy Portmann, Andreas Meier, Michael Kaufmann, Darius Zumstein, Luis Fernando Teran Tamayo, Daniel Fasel, (2011) | Working Paper
Weblog Extraction with Fuzzy Classification Methods
Edy Portmann
, In: Second International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, pp. 411-416, August 4-6, 2009, London, UK.
(2009) | Sonstiges
Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Arouse Learning Processes in Cities
Sara D’Onofrio and Elpiniki I. Papageorgiou and Edy Portmann
(2019) | Sonstiges
The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Managerial Decision Making Processes Latest Research and Case Studies 1st ed 2017 Edition
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann and Kilian Stoffel
(2017) | Sonstiges
Enhanced Knowledge Management by Synchronizing Mind Maps and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann and Patrick Kaltenrieder and Thomas Myrach
(2016) | Sonstiges
Zukunftsstandort digitale Schweiz Voraussetzungen und Potenziale des elektronischen Bürgerdossiers für Schweizer Bürger/innen und Einwohner/innen
Matthias Finger and Annett Laube-Rosenpflanzer and Edy Portmann and Christian Jaag and Pascal Sieber and Denis Morel and Urs Stalder and Peter Nobs and Renato Gunc and Alfred Bertschinger and Georg Ständike
, Verein eGov Schweiz
, eGov schweiz innovation and network (2016) | Sonstiges
Städte und Gemeinden im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
Edy Portmann
, Netzmedien
, IT for Gov (2016) | Sonstiges
PostGrid: Das smarte Netzwerk der Schweizerischen Post für eine intelligentere Stadt
Edy Portmann and Stefan Metzger
, Springer
, Informatik-Spektrum (2016) | Sonstiges
Transdisziplinarität als Antwort auf die digitale Transformation
Edy Portmann and Claudia Pletscher
, Departement Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Bern
, BeWL Departement Betriebswirtschaftslehre (2016) | Sonstiges
Transdisziplinarität als Antwort auf die digitale Transformation
Edy Portmann and Claudia Pletscher
(2016) | Sonstiges
Zukunftsstandort digitale Schweiz Voraussetzungen und Potenziale des elektronischen Bürgerdossiers für Schweizer Bürger/innen und Einwohner/innen
Matthias Finger and Annett Laube-Rosenpflanzer and Edy Portmann and Christian Jaag and Pascal Sieber and Denis Morel and Urs Stalder and Peter Nobs and Renato Gunc and Alfred Bertschinger and Georg Ständike
(2016) | Sonstiges
Cognitive Cities: An Application for Nairobi. Text Message Participation of Slum Inhabitants to Improve Sanitary Facilities
Sara D’Onofrio and Noémie Zurlinden and Dominique Gadient and Edy Portmann
(2016) | Sonstiges
Städte und Gemeinden im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
Edy Portmann
(2016) | Sonstiges
So wird Fiction zu Science
Edy Portmann
, Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
, UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern (2015) | Sonstiges
Smart-Logistics für Everywhere-Commerce: Wie die Post smarter logistische Dienstleistungen bereitstellen will.
Edy Portmann and Stefan Regli
, Verein Netzwerk Logistik (2015) | Sonstiges
Cognitive computing leads to the next level of answering questions on the Web
Edy Portmann
(2015) | Sonstiges
Developing Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Self Organizing Maps
Marcel Wehrle and Edy Portmann and Alexander Denzler and Meier Andreas
(2015) | Sonstiges
So wird Fiction zu Science
Edy Portmann
(2015) | Sonstiges
Smart-Logistics für Everywhere-Commerce: Wie die Post smarter logistische Dienstleistungen bereitstellen will.
Edy Portmann and Stefan Regli
(2015) | Sonstiges
Rezension "Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia. New York 2013."
Edy Portmann
(2015) | Sonstiges
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik - Smart City
Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann
(2015) | Sonstiges
Modeling dependencies between cities through Verbalization of Fuzzy Cognitive Map
Marc Osswald and Marcel Wehrle and Edy Portmann
(2015) | Sonstiges
Applying Fuzzy Ontologies to Implement the Social Semantic Web
Edy Portmann and Patrick Kaltenrieder and Noémie Zurlinden
(2014) | Sonstiges
Fuzzy management methods
Andreas Meier and Witold Pedrycz and Edy Portmann
(2014) | Sonstiges
Mobile competence network for community health workers in rural Myanmar: a supportive information system that facilitates the improvement of health services.
E. Martin and J. Vogt and Edy Portmann
, University of Fribourg
(2013) | Sonstiges
A Restriction-Centered Theory of Reasoning and Computation to materialize a Web 3.0
Edy Portmann
(2013) | Sonstiges
Mobile competence network for community health workers in rural Myanmar: a supportive information system that facilitates the improvement of health services.
E. Martin and Joël Vogt and Edy Portmann
(2013) | Sonstiges
Towards an Emergent Semantic Web
Edy Portmann
(2012) | Sonstiges
Führungsinformationssysteme unter Nutzung der unscharfen Logik ? Fallbeispiel coop@home
Aleksandar Drobnjak and Daniel Fasel and Patrik Hugi and Michael Kaufmann and Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann and Roland and Luis Terán Schütze and Marcel Wehrle and Darius Zumstein
(2011) | Sonstiges
Soft Computing-Approximate Reasoning Method for the Semantic Web
Edy Portmann
, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California at Berkeley
(2011) | Sonstiges
Führungsinformationssysteme unter Nutzung der unscharfen Logik – Fallbeispiel coop@home
Aleksandar Drobnjak and Daniel Fasel and Patrik Hugi and Michael Kaufmann and Andreas Meier and Edy Portmann and Roland Schütze and Luis Terán and Marcel Wehrle and Darius Zumstein
(2011) | Sonstiges
A fuzzy grassroots ontology for improving social semantic web search
Edy Portmann
(2011) | Sonstiges
Auswertung Befragung eProcess
Edy Portmann
, Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts
(2009) | Sonstiges
Auswertung Befragung eProcess
Edy Portmann
(2009) | Sonstiges
Informationsextraktion aus Weblogs - Grundlagen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der gezielten Informationssuche
Edy Portmann
(2008) | Sonstiges
Geschichte und Trends im IR
Edy Portmann
, Universität Basel
(2007) | Sonstiges
Geschichte und Trends im IR
Edy Portmann
(2007) | Sonstiges
Fuzzy Design Science Research
Sara D’Onofrio, Edy Portmann, Gwen Wilke, Luis Téran
(2025) | Sonstiges