Diana Ingenhoff

Prof. Dr.

Organizational Communication, Strategic Communication Management, Public Diplomacy, Digital Diplomacy, Artificial Intelligence & Algorithms, International PR-Research, Country Images, Corporate Reputation, Business Communication, Reputation Management, Crisis Communication, Evaluation and Controlling, Responsibility Communication, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Social Media Communication


Diana Ingenhoff is a full professor of organizational communication and public diplomacy. She obtained her Ph.D. and habilitation from the Management School of the University of St. Gallen. She is a Research Fellow of the Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) at Annenberg School, University of Southern California. She is the founder and past chair of the first International Communication Association’s Public Diplomacy Interest Group. Also, she is an honorary member of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM), for which she was president from 2014-2019 and a member of the Executive Board since 2009.

Furthermore, she was Vice Dean of the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences (2016-2019) and Executive Director at EUPRERA (European Public Relations Education and Research Association, 2016-2022). Her research and consulting serve several Ministries of Foreign Affairs and companies as a basis for their decision-making. In her research, she focuses on issues related to the consequences of digitization and algorithms in organizations and countries, reputation measurement, responsibility communication, and media quality, applying quantitative research methods and multi-method designs.

Her research has been awarded several times, with articles published in leading journals, including the Journal of Business Ethics, Business & Society, International Journal of Press/Politics, International Journal of Communication, International Communication Gazette, Public Relations Review, Scientometrics, International Journal of Strategic Communication, Journal of Public Relations Research, and European Journal of Communication Research. She serves on the editorial boards of Public Relations Review, Public Relations Inquiry, and International Journal of Strategic Communication.

During her sabbaticals, Diana Ingenhoff was invited as Visiting Professor to various universities, among others, Waikato University in Hamilton (New Zealand), Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane (Australia), University of Florida, University of Tennessee, University of South Florida (USA), University of Tel Aviv (Israel) and University of Bournemouth (UK).

Living in Switzerland since 2000, she is a Swiss and German citizen.

Research and publications

  • Book Chapter
    28 publications

    Digital corporate communication and public diplomacy
    Diana Ingenhoff, Jérôme Chariatte (2023) | Book chapter

    Digital Corporate Communication & Public Diplomacy: Public Diplomacy of nation-states and connected voices.
    Chariatte, J. and Ingenhoff, D., ed. by Luoma-aho, V. and Badham, M. (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023), ISBN: 978 1 80220 195 6 | Book chapter

    Partial least squares path modeling: Basic concepts, methodological issues, and applications
    Ingenhoff, D and Richner, D and Sarstedt, M, ed. by Latan, H and Hair, J. F. and Noonan, R (Springer, Cham / Switzerland, 2023) | Book chapter

    Public Relations von Staaten (Nation Branding) und Public Diplomacy , in Handbuch der Public Relations
    Diana Ingenhoff (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022) | Book chapter

    Ziele und Notwendigkeit von Public Affairs aus Sicht von Unternehmen , in ndbuch Public Affairs: Politische Kommunikation für Unternehmen und Organisationen
    (inger Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2021) | Book chapter

    Network of cleavages? British paradiplomacy in the (digital) international discourse around Brexit , in antic Network Analysis in Social Sciences
    (ledge, London, 2021), ISBN: 9781003120100 | Book chapter

    A Framework of City Diplomacy on Positive Outcomes and Negative Emotional Engagement: How to Enhance the International Role of Cities and City/Mayor Branding on Twitter? , in ty Diplomacy
    (grave Macmillan, Cham, 2020) | Book chapter

    Corporate Listening und Issues Management in der Unternehmenskommunikation , in ndbuch Unternehmenskommunikation – Strategie – Management – Wertschöpfung
    (grave Macmillan, Cham, 2019) | Book chapter

    Medienorganisationen im Wandel , in Medien und Meinungsmacht
    Puppis, Manuel and Hofstetter, Brigitte and Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Puppis, Manuel and Schenk, M. and Hofstetter, Brigitte (Zürich: vdf, 2017) | Book chapter

    Krisenkommunikation in der öffentlichen Verwaltung , in Praxishandbuch Public Management
    Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Bermann, A. and Giauque, D. and Kettiger, D. and Lienhard, A. and Nagel, E. and Ritz, A. and Steiner, R. (Zürich, Kissing, Paris, Amsterdam, Wien: WEKA, 2016) | Book chapter

  • Books and Monographs
    6 publications

    The formation and effects of country image, reputation, brand, and identity. Bridging disciplinary perspectives
    Ingenhoff, Diana and Buhmann, Alexander and Kiousis, Spiro (New York et al.: Routledge, 2019), ISBN: 9781138281356 | Book

    Public Diplomacy: Messung, Entstehung und Gestaltung von Landesimages
    Ingenhoff, Diana and Buhmann, Alexander (Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2019), ISBN: 3744512002 | Book

    Man kann nicht nicht unterhalten. Beiträge zur Unterhaltungspublizistik
    Ganz-Blättler, Ursula and Ingenhoff, Diana (Berlin et al.: LIT, 2013), ISBN: 978-3-643-80148-7 | Book

    Internationale PR-Forschung
    Ingenhoff, Diana (Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013), ISBN: 3867644500 | Book

    Corporate Issues Management in multinationalen Unternehmen: eine empirische Studie zu organisationalen Strukturen und Prozessen
    Ingenhoff, Diana (Wiesbaden: Springer, 2004), ISBN: 978-3-531-14216-6 | Book

    Handbuch der Public Relations Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und berufliches Handeln
    () | Book

  • Conferences
    154 publications

    Potential values of CCO approach (communicative constitution of organizations) in public diplomacy conceptualization
    Huang, Z. A. and Dolea, E. A. and Cooren, F. and Ingenhoff, D., 73th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association ICA: (5.2023) | Conference

    Global Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Diplomacy and Public Diplomacy: Halo Effects on National Image and Reputation
    Fitzpatrick, K. R. and Ingenhoff, D and Melissen, J. and Vanc, A. and Wiseman, G. R. and Zaharna, R. S., ISA International Studies Association 2023 Annual Convention: (3.2023) | Conference

    The Role of an Artificial Intelligent (AI) Text Agent in Legitimation through Deliberation
    Illia, L and Giorgi, N and Ingenhoff, D, 39th EGOS Colloquium 2023, Cagliari: (2023) | Conference

    Reimagining Sustainable Cities: An Analysis of City Branding, Social Media, and Strategic Communication in Uncertain Times
    Asdourian, B and Chariatte, J and Ingenhoff, D, 7th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association, Helsingborg: (2023) | Conference

    The Spillover Effect: Exploring the Impact of Iconic Brands’ Crises on Country Reputation
    Zhao, H and Ingenhoff, D, ECREA Crisis Comm Conference, Götheborg: (2023) | Conference

    Organizational Communication Perspective of PD: The Value of Communication Constructivism
    Cooren, F and Taylor, M and Fitzpatrick, K and Ingenhoff, D and Bencherki, N and Dolea, A and Huang, Z. A., ICA PD Pre-Conference in Toronto: (2023) | Conference

    Rethinking the impact of culture on a country’s social image in international communication
    Chariatte, J and Ingenhoff D, European Communication Research Conference ECREA: (10.2022) | Conference

    Crisis Communication During the Pandemic: Monitoring Official Governmental Hashtags to Identify Opposing Attitudes and Misinformation.
    Vonlanthen, S. and Ingenhoff, D., European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference: (9.2022) | Conference

    Countering Climate Change Risks Through Digital Diplomacy - Digital Communication Strategies Of City Networks
    Chariatte, J and Asdourian, B and Ingenhoff, D., European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference: (9.2022) | Conference

    Digital city diplomacy and international cities networks: collaboration and city branding strategies around climate issues. [Top faculty paper award]
    Asdourian, B. and Chariatte, J. and Ingenhoff, D., 72nd International Communication Association ICA: (5.2022) | Conference

  • Journal Articles (with peer review)
    54 publications

    Country reputation
    Diana Ingenhoff, Jerome Chariatte, DOCA - Database of Variables for Content Analysis (2025) | Journal article

    The role of local news in constructing media legitimacy: how news media frames the sociopolitical efforts of multinational corporations in host countries
    Sarah Marschlich and Diana Ingenhoff, Corporate Communications: An International Journal (2023) | Journal article

    Digital city diplomacy and international cities networks: collaboration and city branding strategies around climate issues
    Asdourian, B and Chariatte, J and Ingenhoff, D, International Communication Gazette (2023) | Journal article

    Des experts alémaniques sacrent «Le Temps» meilleur média romand
    letemps.ch (2022) | Journal article

    Public-private partnerships: How institutional linkages help to build organizational legitimacy in an international environment
    Sarah Marschlich and Diana Ingenhoff, Public Relations Review (2022) | Journal article

    Stakeholder engagement in a multicultural context: The contribution of (personal) relationship cultivation to social capital
    schlich and Diana Ingenhoff, tions Review (2021) | Journal article

    The role of public relations in corporate diplomacy: how relationship cultivation increases organizational legitimacy
    Sarah Marschlich and Diana Ingenhoff, Journal of Public Relations Research (2021) | Journal article

    Capturing country images: a methodological approach
    Efe Sevin and Kadir Jun Ayhan and Diana Ingenhoff, The Journal of International Communication (2021) | Journal article

    Defining and Measuring News Media Quality: Comparing the Content Perspective and the Audience Perspective
    The International Journal of Press/Politics (2021) | Journal article

    Key Influencers in Public Diplomacy 2.0: A Country-Based Social Network Analysis
    Diana Ingenhoff and Giada Calamai and Efe Sevin, Social Media + Society (2021) | Journal article

  • Publications
    266 publications

    The formation and effects of country image, reputation, brand, and identity. Bridging disciplinary perspectives
    Ingenhoff, Diana and Buhmann, Alexander and Kiousis, Spiro (New York et al.: Routledge, 2019), ISBN: 9781138281356 | Book

    Public Diplomacy: Messung, Entstehung und Gestaltung von Landesimages
    Ingenhoff, Diana and Buhmann, Alexander (Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2019), ISBN: 3744512002 | Book

    Man kann nicht nicht unterhalten. Beiträge zur Unterhaltungspublizistik
    Ganz-Blättler, Ursula and Ingenhoff, Diana (Berlin et al.: LIT, 2013), ISBN: 978-3-643-80148-7 | Book

    Internationale PR-Forschung
    Ingenhoff, Diana (Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013), ISBN: 3867644500 | Book

    Corporate Issues Management in multinationalen Unternehmen: eine empirische Studie zu organisationalen Strukturen und Prozessen
    Ingenhoff, Diana (Wiesbaden: Springer, 2004), ISBN: 978-3-531-14216-6 | Book

    Handbuch der Public Relations Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und berufliches Handeln
    () | Book

Teaching and courses

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