Junior Lab
Experimenting and imagining the "Future of Switzerland" together
Le Junior Lab est une initiative de recherche collaborative.
- It invites young people to question their social environment using innovative and creative methods.
- It uses a variety of tools (speech, drawing, photography, writing, etc.) to develop a fun and accessible approach to social science research.
- The project is led by Prof. Muriel Surdez and Dr Lucien Delley (cluster 1 - with Prof. Markus Gmür and Dr Diana Betzler) and Dr Verena Richardier (cluster 4).
A scientific, educational and participatory approach
- It gives a voice to young people and enriches the social sciences through their experiences.
- It raises participants' awareness of research methods while stimulating their creativity and critical thinking.
- It encourages civic participation by enabling young people to formulate their own visions of the future and to question their role in society.
Facilitating dialogue between science, the arts and society
The Junior Lab is currently working with the following artistic tools:
- Webtoon: an online comic strip format (in collaboration with artist Caroline Pictet)
- off-the-wall theatre (in collaboration with the Compagnie Cécile D.)
The next Junior Lab, entitled ‘Webtoon ton quartier: sera-t-il durable’, will take place on 14 April 2025 in collaboration with Collège St-Michel, as part of sustainability week.
Take part in the experiment!
Are you a teacher, student or simply curious about this approach?
Join us in co-constructing the next edition of Junior Lab and take part in a unique collective adventure.