
Rejection of the diaconate for women

As part of the ongoing World Synod, Pope Francis stated that women should continue to be excluded from ordination to the diaconate. He said it was still too soon for that.  

Cardinal Victor Fernandez welcomed the Pope's decision and argued that the introduction of the diaconate would not solve the problems of women in the Church. Furthermore, the administration of sacraments reserved for priests is not necessarily linked to leadership power within the church. Fernandez emphasised that nothing prevents women from taking on important leadership positions in the church.

In Switzerland, the Pope's stance has been criticised. Theologians Daniel Kosch and Ann-Kathrin Gässlein are not surprised by the decision, despite it being wrong. And Renata Asal-Steger, synodal councillor of the Lucerne regional church, believes that the Catholic Church has missed the opportunity to tackle a reform that is long overdue in view of the number of people leaving the church.