Do children work better alone or when supervised by an unknown?
The presence of an unfamiliar person significantly slows down the time children take to complete tests. That is the conclusion of a recent study carried out on 123 children and it is no small discovery. Rather, it stresses the importance of taking a child’s physical and social environment into account because it affects a brain function called cognitive control performance.
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A significant increase in ice melt
A new study in which a researcher from the University of Fribourg took part has just made a startling announcement. Between 2000 and 2023, Earth’s glaciers (excepting the polar ice...
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Why maggots love the texture of rotting fruit
It’s a well-known nuisance: as soon as an apple or a pear develop a slightly rotten spot, small flies start buzzing around it. No surprise! Fruit flies and their larvae prefer rott...
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Psychedelic therapies
Relaxation as key to recovering from depression
Psychedelic therapy has been used successfully in Switzerland for quite some time. Since 2014, a special medical program has made it possible to use LSD and psilocybin to treat the...
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Shell limits evolution of turtles
A study by the University of Fribourg suggests that the shell of turtles significantly restricts their evolutionary development, explaining their low species diversity compared to...
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Masterpieces of Baroque literature finally available online
17th-century Swiss literature is often regarded as boring, though this opinion is not justified. Now, the Humanistica Helvetica II project at the University of Fribourg is uncoveri...
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Inauguration of the Interfaculty Food Research and Innovation Center (FRIC)
The new Interfaculty Food Research & Innovation Center (FRIC) was created in 2023 under the impulse of a working group led by Professor Stefan Salentinig. All faculties at the Univ...
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Breathing and heartbeat influence perception
A study funded by the SNSF highlights previously unknown links between the body and the brain. The findings of this research carried out at the University of Fribourg show how our...
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Sleep research
Why do we sleep poorly in new places?
Why do we often struggle to sleep well the first time we stay in a new place? This is called the First-Night Effect, a common experience where the first night in an unfamiliar sett...
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Comprehensive Method Developed for More Accurate Disease Monitoring
Researchers at the University of Freiburg have achieved a breakthrough that enables a more precise understanding and potentially more effective treatment of diseases such as cancer...
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