
The incarnate Christ is the Crucified, Risen and Exalted, who has assumed our humanity with its earthly wounds into the life of God forever. The representation is taken from the portal of the St. Nicholas Cathedral of Fribourg and is also integrated in the seal of the University.
The bridge reminds us of the signet of the Institute for Eastern Churches Regensburg ("Stone Bridge" across the Danube), from which we have learned a lot and whose spirit is guiding our work. We want to build bridges between East and West, church traditions, people and cultures.
The blessing hand represents the reliquary of the relic of St. Nicholas in the cathedral of Fribourg. The cathedral welcomes pilgrims from East and West. A particle of the relic was given to Metropolitan Philaret for the cathedral in Minsk. We are called to bless.
The star of epiphany points the way to the manger and accompanies with its light the proclamation of the philanthropic God to all peoples. He adorns our publication series Epiphania and Epiphania Egregia.
"Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen ...", ("A rose has sprung up ...") begins a Christmas song from the 16th century. It takes up the promise of the "root of Jesse" (Is 11:1). The rose refers to the beauty and glory of our God and the "fragrance of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15). The "Silver Rose of St. Nicholas" is awarded at the Study Centre St. Nicholas.