Published on 23.09.2019
New article of Prof. Gugler in the ICE review (September 2019)
Prof. Gugler published an article in the "Información Comercial Española" (ICE) review: "Recent Policy Developments Regarding Foreign Policy" (2019, ICE, DOI:
"This contribution identifies the main recent patterns affecting the international investment policy landscape. It reflects the main developments and challenges that call for reforms at national and international levels and comprises three parts. The first part is dedicated to national investment policies promoting or restricting international investments. The second covers the developments occurring at international policy level, new developments regarding international investment agreements (IIAs) and other treaties are discussed. The third part focuses on the three main policy, societal and technological developments influencing the new development of investment policies at national or international levels: Countries’ sustainable goals for economic development, the new industrial policy measures applied by some major trading nations and, finally, the predominance of the digital economy, which affects the way firms do business."