Published on 31.10.2019
Fribourg International commissioned a study to the Center for Competitiness (October 2019)
Fribourg International commissioned a study to the Center for Competitiness: "Avantage Fribourg: Compétitivité entrepreneuriale et territoriale dans le canton de Fribourg" (Gugler, P., Lepori, D., Resbeut, M., Ferreira Gomes, S., Sluga, P. (2019) Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg).
Prof. Gugler presented the main results during a press conference in the new headquarters of SCOTT Sports SA in Givisiez (Switzerland).
The study investigates inter alia various elements constituting the competitive advantages of Fribourg on the basis of numerous data sources such as the OECD patent database or the OFS STATENT database.