WorkshopPublikationsdatum 22.01.2019
The Aesthetic Mind: Second Workshop
Thursday, 14th and Friday 15th February 2019, Room: MIS08 0101, Espace Güggi
Thursday, 14th February, 2019
15:15-16:30 Thematic interpretations and assertions, Niels Klenner (Fribourg)
16:45-18:00 Creativity, imagination and tradition, Julia Langkau and Patrik Engisch (Fribourg)
Friday, 15th February, 2019
9:15-10:30 The counterfactual imagination: what we learn when we learn from fiction, Deborah Marber (St Andrews, Scotland)
10:45-12:00 The actor, the acting, the acted, Patrik Engisch (Fribourg)
13:30-14:45 Art and the epistemic value of understanding, Jochen Briesen (Konstanz, Germany)
15:00-16:15 Imagination and the self, Dilip Ninan (Tufts University, USA)
Organized by:
The Aesthetic Mind (Fribourg/Goettingen Research Group)
If you wish to attend, please contact Patrik ( or Julia (