WORKSHOPPublié le 11.02.2025
Kant’s Selves
28 Feb 2025, 11am – 6pm
Patricia Kitcher (Columbia): Kant’s Transcendental Self
Tobias Rosefeldt (HU-Berlin): Does Kant Have a Plausible Account of the Awareness of One’s Own Existence?
Kristina Engelhard (Trier): What Is Transcendental Apperception in Kant? Power, Capacity or a Mere Faculty or What?
1 Mar 2025, 9:30am – 6pm
Christopher Benzenberg (Fribourg): Belief in Myself: Kant on Substances in Inner sense
Haley Brennan (NYU): Kant’s Invisible Self
Mahdi Ranaee (Siegen/Fribourg): The Transcendental Subject = X in the Late Convolutes VII/I in the Opus Postumum
G. Anthony Bruno (Royal Holloway): The World as the Doppelgänger of the I: Jean Paul’s Jacobian Critique of Fichte