Quand? | 14.11.2024 08:30 - 15.11.2024 12:00 |
Où? | MIS 08 Espace Güggi + Mis 10. 01 13 Rue de Rome 6, 1700 Fribourg |
Intervenants | 14.11 Mis 08 0101 Espace Güggi
8h30-9h Introduction (Thomas Lau, Claire Gantet) 1.The polyphony of News Markets Chair: Kilian Schindler (Uni. Fribourg) 9h05-9h50 Sigrun Haude (Uni. Cincinnati), Uses and Realities of the News Market during the Thirty Years’ War 9h50-10h35 Michael Kaiser (Max-Weber-Stiftung Köln), News for politics or news for business? Advices from news writers during the Thirty Years' War 10h35-11h20 Thomas Lau (Uni. Fribourg), “We have safe news” – news, knowledge and decision making during the Grison Turmoil 11h20-11h35 Coffee break 2. Religious Pluralism in a polycentric Conflict Chair: Kilian Schindler (Uni. Fribourg) 11h35-12h20 Guido Braun (Uni. Mulhouse), Une institution multipolaire face à un conflit polycentrique : la Curie romaine et ses nonciatures devant le défi de la guerre de Trente ans Chair : Vitus Huber (Uni. Fribourg) 14h-14h45 Bridget Heal (Uni. St. Andrews), War and Religious Narrative in Electoral Saxony 14h45-15h30 Gábor Kármán (Academy of Sciences Budapest), Regio or religio? The debates of the Transylvanian princes and the Hungarian elite on the Thirty Years War 15h30-15h45 Coffee break Urban Politics and transurban conflicts Chair: Marco Schnyder (Uni. Fribourg) 15h45-16h30 Rahms Isabell (Uni. Mainz), Was the flight a blessing? Mainz between 1637 and 1644 16h30-17h15 Peter Wallace (Hartwick College Oneonta New York), Intercity news networking among Alsatian towns 17h15-18h Philippe Martin (Uni. Lyon II), Les comptes des villes, une source pour dire la guerre de Trente ans ? 15.11 Mis 10 01.13 Spaces of Violence Chair: Dominic-Alain Boariu (Uni. Fribourg) 8h30-9h15 Markus Meumann (Forschungszentrum Gotha der Universität Erfurt), An Unbounded Conflict? Violent Soldiers, Civilian Populations, and Military Justice in the Thirty Years' War (and beyond) 9h15-10h Luca Lo Basso (Università di Genova), Au service des Habsbourg. Ambrogio Spinola et la guerre polycentrique d’Ostende à Casale (1603-1630) 10h-10h15 Coffee break 10h15-11h Simon Franzen (Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø), Spaces of Devastation and Violence–A Spatial Historical Analysis of Maps from the Time of the Thirty Years' War 11h-11h45 Gantet Claire (Uni. Fribourg), La lutte contre les épidémies : savoirs et pratiques, informations et circulations (1626-1651) |
Contact | Claire Gantet & Thomas Lau, unifr Gantet, Claire claire.gantet@unifr.ch |
En savoir plus | Vers le site |
Pièces jointes |
A polycentric war and its narratives – a new approach to the Thirty Years War
14.11.2024 08:30
- 15.11.2024 12:00