Pauline Annick Sabrier
Pauline Sabrier a rejoint l'Université de Fribourg en septembre 2023. Titulaire d'un doctorat du Trinity College Dublin, ses travaux portent actuellement sur le "genre" (genos) et son rapport à la "forme" (eidos) dans la métaphysique platonicienne.
depuis 2023 : Assistante-docteure, Université de Fribourg
2022 : Visiting Fellow, Yale University
2021-2023 : Chercheuse post-doctorale, Marie-Curie Cofund, Université Libre de Bruxelles
2020-2021 : Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
2018-2019 : Research Associate, Sun Yat-Sen University
2016-2017 : Adjunct Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin
2012-2017 : PhD, Trinity College Dublin
2011 : Master en Philosophie, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne
2009 : Licence de Philosophie, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne
2006-2008 : Khâgne/hypokhâgne B/L, Lycée du Parc à Lyon
Recherche et publications
9 publications
The Way We Divide Forms ’in Our Soul’: Conceived Parthood at Plato’s Sophist 250b8
Pauline Sabrier, Méthexis (2024) | ArticleAre the Five Great Kinds (Megista Genê) of the Sophist Plato’s Categories?
Pauline Sabrier, Revue de Philosophie Ancienne (2024) | Article -
Projets de recherche
The Care for the Soul in Plato and Platonic Ethics: A Contemporary Dialogue
Statut: TerminéDébut 01.12.2024 Fin 28.02.2025 Financement FNS Voir la fiche du projet The purpose of the present project is to organise a conference gathering specialists in Ancient Philosophy and Contemporary Ethics to discuss the relevance of Plato's understanding of the care for the soul (epimeleia tês psuchês) for the contemporary debate over care ethics. Care ethics is a moral theory based on the recognition that a certain type of human dependency relations is of central moral significance (e.g. between a parent and their child, between a nurse and a patient). It is gaining momentum as an alternative to other contemporary moral theories, such as duty-based ethics, consequentialism, or virtue ethics. In Plato, the care for the soul not only plays a central role at the individual level, but also at the level of the polis. The conference will be the first step in preparation for an edited volume on this topic.