WorkshopPublié le 26.11.2020

Functions of Attention

Functions of Attention
Second Workshop of the Aesthetics & Ethics of Attention SNSF Reseach Project

December 3, 2020, University of Fribourg, Room MIS08 0102 and online


10:30-11:00 Introduction

11:00-12:15 Natalie Depraz (Rouen) 
Between Attention and Surprise. On Attentional Modulation
comments by Emmanuel Alloa

13:45-15:00 Diego D'Angelo (Würzburg)
Attention as holistic access. Synaesthesia, focus, and the constitution of the world
comments by Susanne Schmetkamp

15:45-17:00 Sebastian Watzl (Oslo) 
Salience plays a rational role
comments by Isabel Kaeslin

17:15-18:30 Christopher Mole (Vancouver)
The Moral Psychology of Salience
comments by Maude Ouellette-Dubé

If you wish to participate virtually, please send an e-mail to

Organisation: Susanne SchmetkampIsabel Kaeslin and Emmanuel Alloa
SNSF-PRIMA Research Project: Aesthetics and Ethics of Attention