
Vergangene Events


Initiation to research

Spezialisiert / Akademisch Seminar
02.06.2023 13:15 - 16:45


Sophie BAMERT: Effects of symmetry breaking and spin-orbit coupling on the electronic structure of noble metals and semiconductors surface

Vincent GARRIDO: Analysis of Au(111) and TaS2 surfaces by Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Vincent GLAUSER: Cluster and worm Monte Carlo algorithms for classical spin systems

Valentin GRANEREAU: Fluorescence lifetime of single molecules close to silicium nanoparticules

Kira LUND: Evolution of cohesion and agreement in growing social groups

Katja MOOS: The Stable Marriage Problem

Jessica RUFFINER: Thermodynamics of hydrogen adsorption on nanomaterials

Laura RÜEGGER: Simulation of band gaps in Bragg stacks - an introduction to photonic crystals


Jules SCHADT: Integral equation methods in liquid state theory

Théo THOMAS: Binding characteristics for different imaging buffers in DNA-PAINT

Eileen WAEBER: Compressed Sensing - Signal processing applications in quantum dynamics

Wann? 02.06.2023 13:15 - 16:45
Wo? PER 08 1.50
Chemin du Musée 3, 1700 Fribourg 
Vortragende Sophie BAMERT, Supervisors: Frédéric Chassot, Group Monney
Vincent GARRIDO, Supervisors: Björn Salzmann, Baptiste Hildebrand, Group Monney
Vincent GLAUSER, Supervisors: Changming Yue, Group Werner
Valentin GRANEREAU, Supervisors: Dr. Maria Sanz, Group Acuna
Kira LUND, Supervisors: Enrico M. Fenoaltea, Group Zhang
Katja MOOS, Supervisors: Enrico M. Fenoaltea, Group Zhang
Jessica RUFFINER, Supervisors: Prof. Andreas Züttel
Laura RÜEGGER, Supervisors: Luis Froufe, Group Scheffold
Léo ROBBIANI, Supervisors: Dr. David Santos-Cottin, Group Akrap
Jules SCHADT, Supervisors: Prof. Joseph Brader
Théo THOMAS, Supervisors: Dr. Mariano Barella, Group Acuna
Eileen WAEBER, Supervisors: Prof. Michael Schüler
Kontakt Département de physique
Baptiste Hildebrand
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