Publications Ultrafast Spectroscopy group
publications in 2021
79) C. W. Nicholson, M. Rumo, A. Pulkkinen, G. Kremer, B. Salzmann, M.-L. Mottas, B. Hildebrand, T. Jaouen, T. K. Kim, S. Mukherjee, K. Y. Ma, M. Muntwiler, F. O. von Rohr, C. Cacho and C. Monney, Observation of a strain-induced phase transition in the 2D topological semimetal IrTe2, arxiv:2101.03990.
78) Shuo Dong, Michele Puppin, Tommaso Pincelli, Samuel Beaulieu, Dominik Christiansen, Hannes Hubener, Christopher W. Nicholson, R. Patrick Xian, Maciej Dendzik, Yunpei Deng, Yoav William Windsor, Malte Selig, Ermin Malic, Angel Rubio, Andreas Knorr, Martin Wolf, Laurenz Rettig, Ralph Ernstorfer : Measurement of an excitonic wave function, arxiv:2012.15328.
77) J. Maklar, Y. W. Windsor, C.W. Nicholson, M. Puppin, P. Walmsley, V. Esposito, M. Porer, J. Rittmann, D. Leuenberger, M. Kubli, M. Savoini, E. Abreu, S.L. Johnson, P. Beaud, G. Ingold, U. Staub, I.R. Fisher, R. Ernstorfer, M. Wolf, L. Rettig : Nonequilibrium Charge-Density-Wave Order Beyond the Thermal Limit, arxiv:2011.03230.
76) P. Kurzhals, G. Kremer, T. Jaouen, C. W. Nicholson, R. Heid, P. Nagel, J.-P. Castellan, A. Ivanov, M. Muntwiler, M. Rumo, B. Salzmann, V. N. Strocov6, D. Reznik, C. Monney, F. Weber: Electron-momentum dependence of electron-phonon coupling underlies dramatic phonon anomalies in YNi2B2C, submitted.
75) E. Paris, C. W. Nicholson, S. Johnston, Y. Tseng, M. Rumo, G. Coslovich, S. Zohar, M.F. Lin, V.N. Strocov, R. Saint-Martin, A. Revcolevschi, A. Kemper, W. Schlotter, G. L. Dakovski, C. Monney and T. Schmitt, Probing the interplay between lattice dynamics and short-range magnetic correlations with femtosecond RIXS, submitted.
74) R. Gaina, C. W. Nicholson, M. Rumo, S. Sarkar, J. Khmaladze, E. Paris, Y. Tseng, W. Zhang, T.C. Asmara, D. McNally, C. Piamonteze, E. Weschke, T. Schmitt, C. Monney and C. Bernhard, Novel Cu-based dz2 order at a YBa2Cu3O7/manganite interface, accepted for publication, arxiv:2007.15894.
publications in 2020
73) Johannes Nokelainen, Christopher Lane, Robert S. Markiewicz, Bernardo Barbiellini, Aki Pulkkinen, Bahadur Singh, Jianwei Sun, Katariina Pussi, and Arun Bansil: Ab initio description of the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ electronic structure, Phys. Rev. B 101, 214523 (2020).
72) M.E. Jamer, B. Wilfong, V.D. Buchelnikov, V.V. Sokolovksiy, O.N. Miroshkina, M.A. Zagrebin, D.R. Baigutlin, J. Naphy, B.A. Assaf, L.H. Lewis, A. Pulkkinen, B. Barbiellini, A. Bansil and D. Heiman, Superconducting and antiferromagnetic properties of dual-phase V3Ga, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 062401 (2020).
71) D. R. Baigutlin, V. V. Sokolovskiy, O. N. Miroshkina, M. A. Zagrebin, J. Nokelainen, A. Pulkkinen, B. Barbiellini, K. Pussi, E. Lähderanta, V. D. Buchelnikov, and A. T. Zayak, Electronic structure beyond the generalized gradient approximation for Ni2MnGa, Phys. Rev. B 102, 045127 (2020).
70) R.T. Leriche, A. Palacio-Morales, M. Campetella, C. Tresca, S. Sasaki, C. Brun, F. Debontridder, P. David, I. Arfaoui, O. Šofranko, T. Samuely, G. Kremer, C. Monney, T. Jaouen, L. Cario, M. Calandra, and T. Cren, Misfit layer compounds: a platform for heavily-doped two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides, Advanced Functional Materials 2007706 (2020), arxiv:2010.12314 .
69) B. Salzmann, A. Pulkkinen, B. Hildebrand, T. Jaouen, S. Zhang, E. Martino, R. D. Zhong, G. Gu, H. Berger, O.V. Yazyev, A. Akrap and C. Monney, Nature of native atomic defects in ZrTe5 and their impact on the low-energy electronic structure, Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 114201 (2020).
68) S. Narjes Abdollahi, Efraín Ochoa Martínez, Cédric Kilchoer, Geoffroy Kremer, Thomas Jaouen, Philipp Aebi, Tim Hellmann, Thomas Mayer, Yibei Gu, Ulrich B. Wiesner, Ullrich Steiner, Bodo D. Wilts, Ilja Gunkel, Carbon‐Assisted Stable Silver Nanostructures, Adv. Mat. Interface 2001227 (2020).
67) C. Monney, M. Herzog, A. Pulkkinen, Y. Huang, J. Pelliciari, P. Olalde-Velasco, N. Katayama, M. Nohara, H. Takagi, T. Schmitt, and T. Mizokawa, Mapping the unoccupied state dispersions in Ta2NiSe5 with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. B 102, 085148 (2020), arxiv:2008.02575.
66) G. Kremer, T. Jaouen, B. Salzmann, L. Nicolaï, M. Rumo, C. W. Nicholson, B. Hildebrand, J. H. Dil, J. Minár, G. Springholz, J. Krempaský, and C. Monney, Unveiling the complete dispersion of the giant Rashba split surface states of ferroelectric α−GeTe(111) by alkali doping, arXiv:2004.01667, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033115 (2020).
65) M. Rumo, C.W. Nicholson, A. Pulkkinen, B. Hildebrand, G. Kremer, B. Salzmann, M.-L. Mottas, K.Y. Ma, E L. Wong, M.K.L. Man, K. M. Dani, B. Barbiellini, M. Muntwiler, T. Jaouen, F. O. von Rohr, and C. Monney, Examining the surface phase diagram of IrTe2 with photoemission, Phys. Rev. B 101, 235120 (2020), arxiv:1912.04516.
64) Chris W. Nicholson, Eike F. Schwier, Kenya Shimada, Helmut Berger, Moritz Hoesch, Christophe Berthod, Claude Monney, Role of a higher dimensional interaction in stabilizing charge density waves in quasi-1D NbSe3 revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, PhysRevB.101.045412 (2020) (article data availabe with DOI: 10.26037/yareta:cumuzlu4lfgxpky6rraakz73h4).
- publications in 2019
61) T. Jaouen, B. Hildebrand, M.-L. Mottas, M. Di Giovannantonio, P. Ruffieux, M. Rumo, C. W. Nicholson, E. Razzoli, C. Barreteau, A. Ubaldini, E. Giannini, F. Vanini, H. Beck, C. Monney, P. Aebi , Topological Lifshitz transitions and native quenched disorder in 1T-TiSe2, submitted.
60) M.-L. Mottas, T. Jaouen, B. Hildebrand, M. Rumo, F. Vanini, E. Razzoli, E. Giannini, C. Barreteau, D. R. Bowler, C. Monney, H. Beck, P. Aebi, Semimetal-to-semiconductor transition and charge-density-wave melting in 1T-TiSe2−xSx single crystals, Phys. Rev. B 99, 155103 (2019).
59) Fernando A. Garcia, Oleh Ivashko, Daniel E. McNally, Lakshmi Das, Mario M. Piva, C. Adriano, Pascoal G. Pagliuso, Johan Chang, Thorsten Schmitt, Claude Monney, Anisotropic magnetic excitations and incipient Néel order in Ba(Fe1-xMnx)2As2, Phys. Rev. B 99, 115118 (2019).
58) M. Puppin, Y. Deng, C.W. Nicholson, J. Feldl, N.B.M. Schroeter, H. Vita, P. Kirchmann, C. Monney, L. Rettig, M. Wolf and R. Ernstorfer: Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of solids in the extreme ultraviolet at 500 kHz repetition rate, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 023104 (2019).
- publications in 2018
57) E. Perret, C. Monney, S. Johnston, J. Khmaladze, F. Lyzwa, R. Gaina, M. Dantz, J. Pelliciari, C. Piamonteze, B.P.P. Mallett, M. Minola, B. Keimer, T. Schmitt, C. Bernhard, Coupled Cu and Mn charge and orbital orders in YBa2Cu3O7/Nd0.65(Ca1-ySry)0.35MnO3 multilayers, Comm. Phys. 45, 1 (2018).
56) R.O. Kuzian, R. Klingeler,W.E.A. Lorenz, N. Wizent, S. Nishimoto, U. Nitzsche, H. Rosner, D. Milosavljevic, L. Hozoi, R. Yadav, J. Richter, A. Hauser, J. Geck, R. Hayn, V. Yushankhai, L. Siurakshina, C. Monney, T. Schmitt, J. Thar, G. Roth, T. Ito, H. Yamaguchi, M. Matsuda, S. Johnston, J. Málek and S.-L. rechsler: Comment on ‘Oxygen vacancy-induced magnetic moment in edgesharing CuO2 chains of Li2CuO2’, Phys. 20, 058001 (2018).
55) S. Mor, M. Herzog, D. Golez, P. Werner, M. Eckstein, N. Katayama, M. Nohara, H. Takagi, T. Mizokawa, C. Monney and J. Staehler: Self-protection Inhibition of the photoinduced structural phase transition in the excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5, Phys. Rev. B 97, 115154(2018).
54) C. Monney , A. Schuler, T. Jaouen, M. -L. Mottas, Th. Wolf, M. Merz, M. Muntwiler, L. Castiglioni, P. Aebi, F. Weber and M. Hengsberger: Robustness of the charge-ordered phases in IrTe2 against photoexcitation, Phys. Rev. B 97, 075110 (2018).
- publications in 2017
53) O. Ivashko, N.E. Shaik, X. Lu, C.G. Fatuzzo, M. Dantz, P.G. Freeman, D.E. McNally, D. Destraz, N.B. Christensen, T. Kurosowa, N. Momono, M. Oda, C.E. Matt, C. Monney, H.M. Ronnow, T. Schmitt, J. Chang: Damped spin-excitations in a doped cuprate superconductor with orbital hybridization, Phys. Rev. B 95, 214508, arXiv:1702.02782.
52) N.A. Bogdanov, V. Bisogni, R. Kraus, C. Monney, K. Zhou, T. Schmitt, J. Geck, A. Mitrushchenkov, H. Stoll, J. van den Brink, L. Hozoi: Orbital breathing effects in the computation of x-ray d-ion spectra in solids by ab-initio wave-function- basd methods, J.Phys.: condensed matter 29, 035502 (2017), arXiv:1611.03693.
51) C.N. Nicholson, C. Berthod, M. Puppin, H. Berger, M. Wolf, M. Hoesch, C. Monney, Dimensonal crossover in a charge density wave material probed by ARPES, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 206401 (2017), arXiv:1610.05024.
50) M.D. Watson, Y. Feng, C.N. Nicholson, C. Monney, J.M. Riley, H. Iwasawa, K. Refson, V. Sacksteder, D.T. Adroja, J. Zhao, M. Hoesch, Multiband one-dimensional electronic structure and spectroscopic signature of Tomonoga-Luttinger liquid behavior in K2Cr3As2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 097002 (2017), arXiv:1610.04157.
49) S. Mor, M. Herzog, D. Golez, P. Werner, M. Eckstein, N. Katayama, M. Nohara, H. Takagi, T. Mizokawa, C. Monney and J. Staehler, Ultrafast electronic band gap control in an excitonic insulator, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 086401 (2017), arXiv:1608.05586.
- publications in 2016
48) R. Bertoni, C. Nicholson, L. Waldecker, H. Huebener, C. Monney, U. De Giovannini, M. Puppin, M. Hoesch, E. Springate, R. Chapman, C. Cacho, M. Wolf, A. Rubio, R. Ernstorfer: Generation and evolution of spin-, valley- and layer-polarized excited carriers in inversion-symmetric WSe2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 277201 (2016), arXiv:1606.03218.
47) C. Monney, M. Puppin, C.W. Nicholson, M. Hoesch, R.T. Chapman, E. Springate, H. Berger, A. Magrez, C. Cacho, R. Ernstorfer, M. Wolf: Revealing the role of electrons and phonons in the ultrafast recovery of charge density wave correlations in 1T-TiSe2, Phys. Rev. B 94, 165165 (2016).
46) C.W. Nicholson, C. Monney, R. Carley, B. Frietsch, J. Bowlan, M. Weinelt, M. Wolf: Ultrafast spin density wave transition in Chromium governed by thermalized electron gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 136801 (2016).
45) C. Monney, V. Bisogni, K.J. Zhou, R. Kraus, V. Strocov, G. Behr, S.-L. Drechsler, H. Rosner, S. Johnston, J. Geck, T. Schmitt: Probing the magnetic and electronic correlations in Li2CuO2 with Zhang-Rice excitons, Phys Rev. B 94, 165118 (2016).
44) C. Monney, T. Schmitt, C. E. Matt, J. Mesot, V. N. Strocov, O. J. Lipscombe, S. M. Hayden, and J. Chang: A resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of the spin and charge excitations in the overdoped superconductor La1.77Sr0.23CuO4, Phys. Rev. B 93, 075103 (2016). Link here or arXiv here.
43) S. Johnston, C. Monney, V. Bisogni, K. Zhou, R. Kraus, G. Behr, V. N. Strocov, J. Malek, S.-L. Drechsler, J. Geck, T. Schmitt, J. van den Brink: Electron-lattice interactions strongly renormalize the charge transfer energy in the spin-chain cuprate Li2CuO2, Nature Communications 7, 10563 (2016). Link here. ArXiv here:
- publications in 2015
42) C.W. Nicholson, C. Monney, U. Krieg, C. Tegenkamp, H. Pfnür, K. Horn and M. Wolf: Electronic structure of self-assembled Ag nanowires on Si(557): spectroscopic evidence for dimensionality, New J. Phys. 17, 093025 (2015)
41) N. Mariotti, C. Didiot, E.F. Schwier, C. Monney and P. Aebi: Quasi one-dimensional Ag nanostructures on Si(331)-(12x1), Surf. Sci. 639, 39 (2015).
40) Z. Vydrova, E.F. Schwier, G. Monney, T. Jaouen, E. Razzoli, C. Monney, B. Hildebrand, C. Didiot, H. Berger, T. Schmitt, V. N. Strocov, F. Vanini, and P. Aebi: Three-dimensional momentum-resolved electronic structure of 1T-TiSe2: A combined soft-x-ray photoemission and density functional theory study, Phys. Rev. B 91, 235129 (2015).
39) G. Monney, C. Monney, B. Hildebrand, P. Aebi, H. Beck: Impact of Electron-hole correlations on the electronic structure of 1T-TiSe2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 086402 (2015).
38) V. Bisogni, K. Wohlfeld, S. Nishimoto, C. Monney, J. Trinckauf, K.J. Zhou, R. Kraus, K. Koepernik, C. Sekar, V. Strocov, B. Buchner, T. Schmitt, J. van den Brink, J. Geck: Orbital control of effective dimensionality: from spin-orbital fractionalization to confinement in the anisotropic ladder system CaCu2O3, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 096402 (2015).
- publications in 2014
37) V. Bisogni, S. Kourtis, C. Monney, K.J. Zhou, R. Kraus, C. Sekar, V. Strocov, B. Buchner, L. Braicovich, T. Schmitt, M. Daghofer J. van den Brink, J. Geck: Femtosecond dynamics of momentum dependent magnetic excitations from resonant inelastic x-ray scattering inCaCu2O3, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 147401 (2014).
36) B. Barbiellini, J.N. Hancock, C. Monney, Y. Joly, G. Ghiringhelli, L. Braicovich and T. Schmitt: Inelastic X-ray scattering from valence electrons near absorption edges of FeTe and in TiSe2, Phys. Rev. B 89, 235138 (2014).
35) J.J. Lee, B. Moritz, W.S. Lee, M. Yi, C. Jia, A.P. Sorini, K. Kudo, Y. Koike, K.J. Zhou, C. Monney, V. Strocov, L. Patthey, T. Schmitt, T.P. Devereaux and Z.X. Shen: Charge-orbital-lattice coupling effects in the dd-excitation profile of one-dimensional cuprates, Phys. Rev. B 89, 041104(R) (2014).
- publications in 2013
34) Monney, C., Uldry, A.-C., Zhou, K.J., Krzton-Maziopa, A., Pomjakushina, E., Strocov, V.N., Delley, B. and Schmitt, T.: Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Fe L3 edge of the one-dimensional chalcogenide BaFe2Se3, Phys. Rev. B. 88, 165103(2013).
33) B. Zenker, H. Fehske, H. Beck, C. Monney and A.R. Bishop, Chiral charge order in 1T-TiSe2: Importance of lattice degrees of freedom, Phys. Rev. B 88, 075138 (2013).
32) van Schoonveld, M., Suljoti, E., Campos-Cuerva, C., Gosselink, R.W., Van der Eerden, A., Schlappa, J., Zhou, K.J., Monney, C., Schmitt, T., de Groot, F.M.F., Transition Metal Nanoparticle Oxidation in a Chemically Non-Homogenous Environment Revealed by 2p3d Resonant X-ray Emission, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 1161 (2013).
31) T. Schmitt, V.N. Strocov, K.J. Zhou, J. Schlappa, C. Monney, U. Flechsig and L. Patthey, High-Resolution Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering with Soft X-Rays at the ADRESS beamline of the Swiss Light Source: further instrument development and scientific highlights, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. (2013).
30) M.P.M Dean, A. J. A. James, R. S. Springell, X. Liu, C. Monney, K. J. Zhou, R. M. Konik, J. S. Wen, Z. J. Xu, G. D. Gu, V. N. Strocov, T. Schmitt, and J. P. Hill, High-energy magnetic excitations in the cuprate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconductor: Towards a unified description of its electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2013).
29) K.J. Zhou, Y.B. Huang, C. Monney, X.Dai, V. Strocov, N.L. Huang, Z.G. Chen, C. Zhang, P. Dai, L. Patthey, J. van den Brink, H. Ding and T. Schmitt, Persistent high-energy spin excitations in pnictides superconductors, Nat. Comm. 4, 1470(2013).
28) C. Monney, V. Bisogni, K.J. Zhou, R. Kraus, V. Strocov, G. Behr, J. Malek, R. Kuzian, S.-L. Drechsler, S. Johnston, A. Revcolevschi, B. Buchner, H. Ronnow, J. van den Brink, J. Geck and T. Schmitt, Determining the Short-Range Spin Correlations in Cuprate Chain Materials with Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 087403 (2013).
- publications in 2012
27) M. van Schooneveld, R.W. Gosselink, T.M. Eggenhuisen, M. Al Samarai, C. Monney, K. Zhou, T. Schmitt and F.M.F. de Groot, A multispectroscopic study of 3d orbitals in cobalt carboxylates: the high sensitivity of 2p3d resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy to the ligand field, Ang. Chemie 51, 1 (2012)
26) V.N. Strocov, M. Shi, M. Kobayashi, C. Monney, X. Wang, J. Krempasky, T. Schmitt, L. Patthey, H. Berger and P. Blaha, Three dimensional electron realm in VSe2 by soft-x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: origin of charge density waves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 086401 (2012).
25) N. Mariotti, C. Didiot, E.F. Schwier, C. Monney, L. Perret-Aebi, C. Battaglia, M.G. Garnier and P. Aebi, Scanning tunneling microscopy at multiple voltage biases of ring-like Ag cluster on Si (111)-7x7, Surface Science 606, 1755 (2012).
24) M.P.M. Dean, R.S. Springell, C. Monney, K.J. Zhou, J. Pereiro, I. Bozovic, B. Dalla Piazza, H.M. Ronnow, E. Morenzoni, J. van den Brink, T. Schmitt, J. Hill, Spin excitations in a single La2CuO4 layer. Nature Materials aop, (2012) | doi:10.1038/nmat3409
23) C. Monney, G. Monney, P. Aebi and H. Beck, Electron-hole instability in 1T-TiSe2. New Journal of Physics, 14, 075026 (2012).
22) C. Monney, G. Monney, P. Aebi and H. Beck, Electron-hole fluctuation phase in 1T-TiSe2. Phys. Rev. B 85, 2351050 (2012).
21) C. Monney, K.J. Zhou, H. Cercellier, Z. Vydrova, M.G. Garnier, G. Monney, V.N. Strocov, H. Berger, H. Beck, T. Schmitt and P. Aebi: Mapping of electron-hole excitations in the charge density wave system 1T-TiSe2 using Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 047401 (2012).
20) M. Cazzaniga, H. Cercellier, M. Holzmann, C. Monney, P. Aebi. G. Onida and V. Olevano: Ab initio Many-Body effects in 1T-TiSe2: A possible excitonic insulator scenario from GW band-shape renormlization, Phys. Rev. B 85, 195111 (2012).
19) Schlappa, J., Wohlfeld, K., Zhou, K. J., Mourigal, M., Haverkort, M. W., Strocov, V. N., Hozoi, L., Monney, C., Nishimoto, S. , Singh, S., Revcolevschi, A., Caux, J.-S., Patthey, L., Ronnow, H. M., van den Brink, J., Schmitt, T.: Spin-Orbital Separation in the quasi 1D Mott-insulator Sr2CuO3, Nature (2012).
- publications in 2011
18) Monney, C., Aebi , P., Beck H.: Exciton condensation driving the periodic lattice distortion of 1T-TiSe2, Physical Review Letters 106, 106404 (2011).
17) Le Tacon, M., Ghiringhelli, G., Chaloupka, J., Sala, M., Hinkov, V., Haverkort, M., Minola, M., Bakr, M., Zhou, K.J., Blanco-Canosa, S., Monney, C., Song, Y., Sun, G., Lin, C., De Luca, G., Salluzzo, M., Khaliullin, G., Schmitt, T., Braicovitch, L., Keimer, B.:
Intense paramagnon excitations in a large family of high-temperature superconductors, Nature Physics 7, 725 (2011).
16) Glawion, S. , Heidler, J., Haverkort, M., Duda, L.C., Schmitt, T., Strocov, V., Monney, C., Zhou, K.J., Ruff, A., Sing, M., Claessen, R.: Two-Spinon and Orbital Excitations of the Spin-Peierls System TiOCl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 107402 (2011).
15) Schwier, E.F., Monney, C., Mariotti, N., Vydrova, Z., Garcia-Fernandez, M., Didiot, C., Garnier, M.G., Aebi, P.: Influence of elastic scattering on the measurement of core-level binding energy dispersion in X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, Euro. Phys. Journal B 81, 399 (2011).
- publications in 2010
14) Battaglia, C., Schwier, E.F., Monney, C., Didiot, C., Mariotti, N., Gaal-Nagy, K., Onida, G., Garnier, M.G., Aebi, P.: Valence band structure of the Si(331)-(12 x 1) surface reconstruction. J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 23, 135003 (2010).
13) Monney, C., Schwier, E.F., Garnier, M.G., Battaglia, C., Mariotti, N., Didiot, C., Cercellier, H., Marcus, J., Berger, H., Titov, A.N., Beck, H., Aebi, P.: Dramatic effective mass reduction driven by a strong potential of competing periodicity, Euro. Phys. Lett. 92, 47003 (2010).
12) Monney, C., Schwier, E.F., Garnier, M.G., Mariotti, N., Didiot, C., Cercellier, H., Marcus, J., Berger, H., Titov, A.N., Beck, H., Aebi P.: Probing the exciton condensate phase in 1T-TiSe2 with photoemission, New Journal of Physics 12, 125019 (2010).
11) Monney, C., Schwier, E.F., Garnier, M.G., Mariotti, N., Didiot, C., Cercellier, H., Marcus, J., Battaglia, C., Berger, H., Titov, A.N., Beck, H., Aebi, P.: Temperature-dependent photoemission on 1T-TiSe2: Interpretation within the exciton condensate phase model, Phys. Rev. B 81, 155104 (2010).
- publications in 2009
10) Monney, C., Cercellier, H., Clerc, F., Battaglia, C., Schwier, E.F., Didiot, C., Garnier, M.G., Beck, H., Aebi, P., Berger, H., Forro, L., Patthey, L.: Spontaneous exciton condensation in 1T-TiSe2: BCS-like approach, Phys. Rev. B 79, 045116 (2009).
9) Monney, C., Cercellier, H., Battaglia, C., Schwier, E.F., Didiot, C., Garnier, M.G., Beck, H., Aebi, P.: Temperature dependence of the excitonic insulator phase model in 1T-TiSe2, Physica B, 404, 3172 (2009).
8) Battaglia, C., Gaal-Nagy, K., Monney, C., Didiot, C., Schwier, E.F., Garnier, M.G., Onida, G., Aebi. P.: Elementary structural building blocks encountered in silicon surface reconstructions, J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 21, 013001 (2009).
7) Battaglia, C., Gaal-Nagy, K., Monney, C., Didiot, C., Schwier, E.F., Garnier, M.G., Onida, G., Aebi, P.: New structural model for the Si(331)-(12x1) reconstruction, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 066102 (2009).
- publications in 2008
6) Battaglia, C., Cercellier, H., Monney, C., Despont, L., Garnier, M.G., Aebi, P.: Unveiling new systematics in self-assembly of atomic chains on Si(111), J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 100, 052078 (2008).
- publications in 2007
5) Cercellier, H., Monney, C., Clerc, F., Battaglia, C., Despont, L., Garnier, M.G., Beck, H., Aebi, P., Patthey, L., Berger, H., Forro, L.: Evidence for an excitonic insulator phase in 1T-TiSe2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 146403 (2007).
4) Clerc, F., Battaglia, C., Cercellier, H., Monney, C., Berger, H., Despont, L., Garnier, M.G., Aebi, P.: Fermi surface of layered compounds and bulk charge density wave systems, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Special Issue, July (2007).
3) Battaglia, C., Cercellier, H., Despont, L., Monney, C., Prester, M., Berger, H., Forro, L., Garnier, M.G., Aebi, P.: "Non-uniform doping acreoss the Fermi surface of NbS2 intercalates", Eur. Phys. J. B 57, 385 (2007).
2) Battaglia, C., Cercellier, H., Monney, C., Garnier, M.G., Aebi, P.: Stabilization of silicon honeycomb chains by trivalent adsorbates, Eur. Phys. Lett. 77, 36003 (2007).
- publications in 2006
1) Clerc, F., Battaglia, C., Bovet, M., Despont, L., Monney, C., Cercellier, H., Garnier, M.G., Berger, H., Forro, L., Aebi, P.: “Lattice-distortion-enhanced electron-phonon coupling and Fermi surface nesting of 1T-TaSe2, Phys. Rev. B 74, 155114 (2006).