Publications Theoretical Interdisciplinary Physics group

Publications 2018

1. Ren, Z.M., Zeng, A. and Zhang, Y.C.,  Structure-oriented prediction in complex networks.   Physics Reports.

2. Zhang.Y.C., 2018. The Structure of Information Economy: The role of information in markets and beyond.


Publications 2017

1. Liao, H., Mariani, M.S., Medo, M., Zhang, Y.C. and Zhou, M.Y., 2017. Ranking in evolving complex networks. Physics Reports689, pp.1-54.


Publications 2015

1. Lü, L., Pan, L., Zhou, T., Zhang, Y.C. and Stanley, H.E.,  Toward link predictability of complex networks.    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences112(8), pp.2325-2330.


Publications 2012

  1. L. Lü, M. Medo, C.H. Yueng, Y.-C. Zhang, Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, Recommender systems, Physics Reports, doi:10.1016/j.physrep.2012.02.006, 2012
  2. G. Cimini, D.-B. Chen, M. Medo, L. Lü, Y.-C. Zhang, T. Zhou, Enhancing topology adaptation in information-sharing social networks , Phys. Rev. E 85, 046108, 2012
  3. D.-B. Chen, L. Lü, M.-S. Shang, Y.-C. Zhang, T. Zhou, Identifying influential nodes in complex networks, Physica A 391, 046108, 2012
  4. A. Zeng, C.H. Yeung, M.-S. Shang, Y.-C. Zhang,  The reinforcing influence of recommendations on global diversification, EPL 97, 18005, 2012


Publications 2011

  1. M. Medo, G. Cimini, S. Gualdi, Temporal effects in the growth of networks, Physical Review Letters 107, 238701, 2011
  2. S. Gualdi, C.H. Yeung, Y.-C. Zhang, Tracing the evolution of physics on the backbone of citation networks, Phys. Rev. E 84, 046104, 2011
  3. S. Gualdi, M. Medo, Y.-C. Zhang, Influence, originality and similarity in directed acyclic graphs, EPL 96, 18004, 2011
  4. Z.-K. Zhang, T. Zhou, Y.-C. Zhang, Tag-Aware Recommender Systems: A State-of-the-Art Survey, J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 26, 767-777, 2011
  5. T. Zhou, M. Medo. G. Cimini, Z.-K. Zhang, Y.-C. Zhang, Emergence of Scale-Free Leadership Structure in Social Recommender Systems, PLoS ONE. 6, e20648, 2011
  6. L. Lü, Y.-C. Zhang, C.H. Yeung, T. Zhou, Leaders in Social Networks, the Delicious Case, PLoS ONE. 6, e21202, 2011
  7. D. Wei, T. Zhou, G. Cimini, P. Wu, W. Liu, Y.-C. Zhang, C.H. Yeung, Effective mechanism for social recommendation of news, Phyisca A. 390, 2117-2126, 2011
  8. Y. Feng, M. Medo, L. Zhang, Y.-C. Zhang, Transaction fees and optimal rebalancing in the growth-optimal portfolio, Physica A. 390, 1635-1645, 2011
  9. G. Cimini, M. Medo, T. Zhou, D. Wei, Y.-C. Zhang, Heterogeneity, quality, and reputation in an adaptive recommendation model, EPJ B 80, 201-208, 2011
  10. S. Gualdi, M. Medo, Y.-C. Zhang, Self-organized model of cascade spreading, EPJ B 79, 91-98, 2011
  11. Medo, M., Cimini, G. and Gualdi, S.,  Temporal effects in the growth of networks. Physical review letters107(23), p.238701.

Publications 2010

  1. T. Zhou, Z. Kuscsik, J.-G. Liu, M. Medo, J. R. Wakeling, Y.-C. Zhang, Solving the apparent diversity-accuracy dilemma of recommender systems, PNAS 107, 4511-4515, 2010
  2. P. Laureti, M. Medo, Y.-C. Zhang, Analysis of Kelly-optimal portfolios, Quantitative Finance 10,  689-697, 2010
  3. M.-S. Shang, L. Lü, Y.-C. Zhang, T. Zhou, Empirical analysis of web-based user-object bipartite networks, EPL 90, 48006, 2010
  4. W. Liu, L. Lü, Link prediction based on local random walk, EPL 89, 58007, 2010
  5. D. Morton de Lachapelle, D. Challet, Turnover, account value and diversification of real traders: evidence of collective portfolio optimizing behavior, New Journal of Physics 12, 075039, 2010
  6. L. Lü and T. Zhou, Link prediction in weighted networks: The role of weak ties, EPL 89, 18001, 2010

Publications 2009

  1. M.-S. Zhang, S.-H. Jin, T. Zhou, Y.-C. Zhang, Collaborative filtering based on multi-channel diffusion, Physica A 388, 4867-71, 2009
  2. R.-R. Liu, C.-X. Jia, T. Zhou, D. Sun, B.-H. Wang, Personal Recommendation via Modified Collaborative Filtering, Physica A 388, 462-68, 2009
  3. H.-T. Zhang, M. Chen, T. Zhou, Predictive protocol of flocks with small-world connection pattern, Phys. Rev. E 79, 016113, 2009
  4. Y.-L. Wang, T. Zhou, J.-J. Shi, J. Wang, D.-R. He, Empirical analysis of dependence between stations in Chinese railway network, Physica A 388, 2949-2955, 2009
  5. D. Sun, T. Zhou, J.-G. Liu, R.-R. Liu, C.-X. Jia, B.-H. Wang, Information filtering based on transferring similarity, Phys. Rev. E 80, 017101, 2009
  6. M. Medo, C. H. Yeung, Y.-C. Zhang, How to quantify the influence of correlations on investment diversification, International Review of Financial Analysis 18, 34-39, 2009
  7. M. Medo, Breakdown of the mean-field approximation in a wealth distribution model, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P02014, 2009

Publications 2008

  1. T. Zhou, L.-L. Jiang, R.-Q. Su, Y.-C. Zhang, Effect of initial configuration on network-based recommendation, EPL 81, 58004, 2008
  2. T. Zhou, Mixing navigation on networks, Physica A 387, 3025-3032, 2008
  3. Z. Zhang, L. Lu, J.-G. Liu, Y.-C. Zhang, Y. Huang, T. Zhou, Empirical analysis on a keyword-based semantic system, European Physical Journal B 66, 557-561, 2008
  4. J. Ren, T. Zhou, Y.-C. Zhang, Information filtering via self-consistent refinement, Europhysics Letters 82, 58007, 2008
  5. T. Zhou, H. A. T. Kiet, B. J. Kim, B.-H. Wang, P. Holme, Role of Activity in Human Dynamics, Europhysics Letters 82, 28002, 2008
  6. L. Lü, M. Medo, Y.-C. Zhang, D. Challet, Emergence of product differentiation from consumer heterogeneity and asymmetric information, European Physical Journal B 64, 293-300, 2008
  7. M. Medo, Y. M. Pis'mak, Y.-C. Zhang, Diversification and limited information in the Kelly game, Physica A 387, 6151-6158, 2008
  8. M. Medo, J. Smrek, Heterogeneous network with distance dependent connectivity, European Physical Journal B 63, 273-278, 2008
  9. M. Medo, Y.-C. Zhang, Market model with heterogeneous buyers, Physica A 387, 2889-2908, 2008