
Anciens événements


“LIGO instrument science: the basis of discoveries in gravitational waves”

Ouvert au grand public Séminaire
10.01.2024 15:00
+ Mixte

David Tanner is a distinguished professor art the University of Florida. He is a condensed matter experimentalist, working on optical properties of novel materials. He is also an astrophysicist, who is nowadays deeply involved in axion search and gravitational waves. He has been a part of the team that constructed LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory project. In this talk, he will tell us about the experimental side of detecting the graviational waves. He will also discuss the data analysis for detection of the first event (150914).

Quand? 10.01.2024 15:00
En ligne Meeting ID: 921 8713 6043 Passcode: 604242

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Où? PER 08 0.51
Chemin du Musée 3, 1700 Fribourg 
Intervenants Prof. David Tanner
University of Florida
Invited by group Prof. Akrap
Contact Département de Physique
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