
Anciens événements


Ultra-fast dynamics in solids: Quantum movie

Ouvert au grand public Autre
15.10.2020 15:15

Ultra-short light pulses, from femtosecond optical lasers and/or X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) sources, opens up the possibility to dynamically perturb exotic properties of quantum materials, and to follow the subsequent electronic relaxation dynamics in quantum movies.
In my talk, I will first give a brief introduction to the SwissFEL, and describe its application in femtosecond time-resolved resonant inelastic and elastic X-ray scattering in condensed matter and quantum materials, including non-linear X-ray science.
It will be shown how the insight gained can be used to disentangle time-domain dynamics, from the degrees of freedom of charge, spin, orbital and lattice in strongly correlated electron materials.

Quand? 15.10.2020 15:15 - 
Où? PER 08 1.50
Chemin du Musée 3, 1700 Fribourg 
Intervenants PD Dr Luc Patthey
Laboratory for Advanced Photonics (LAP)
Paul Scherrer Institute - Switzerland
Procédure de titularisation
Contact Département de physique
Philipp Werner
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