Jan Vanhove
+41 26 300 7141
Senior Researcher,
Department of Multilingualism and Foreign Language Education
MIS 10 bu. 1.01
Rue de Rome 1
1700 Fribourg
Apart from persuing my own research interests (e.g., about multilingualism in closely related languages), I regularly collaborate on projects at the Institute of Multilingualism (e.g., on heritage languages, language aptitude, and lexical richness).
Website/Blog: https://janhove.github.io/
Research and publications
- Articles and book chapters
Jan Vanhove. 2020. Towards simpler and more transparent quantitative research reports. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics. Preprint. Data and R code available from the Open Science Framework.
Raphael Berthele and Jan Vanhove. 2020. What would disprove interdependence? Lessons learned from a study on biliteracy in Portuguese heritage language speakers in Switzerland. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 23(5). 550-566. Data and R code available from the figshare.
Jan Vanhove. 2019. [Review of the book De vele gezichten van het Nederlands in Vlaanderen. Een inleiding tot de variatietaalkunde by Gert De Sutter (ed.)]. Taal en Tongval 71. 89-93.
Jan Vanhove. 2019. Metalinguistic knowledge about the native language and language transfer in gender assignment. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 9(2). 397-419. Data, elicitation materials, and R code available from the Open Science Framework.
Jan Vanhove. 2019. When labeling L2 users as nativelike or not, consider classification errors. Second Language Research. Preprint. Data and R code available from the Open Science Framework.
Jan Vanhove, Audrey Bonvin, Amelia Lambelet and Raphael Berthele. 2019. Predicting perceptions of the lexical richness of short French, German, and Portuguese texts. Journal of Writing Research 10(3). 499-525. Technical report, data (including texts), elicitation materials, and R code available from the Open Science Framework.
Gregory J. Poarch, Jan Vanhove and Raphael Berthele. 2019. The effect of bidialectalism on executive function. International Journal of Bilingualism 23(2). 612-628. Data and R code available from figshare.
Audrey Bonvin, Jan Vanhove, Raphael Berthele and Amelia Lambelet. 2018. Die Entwicklung von produktiven lexikalischen Kompetenzen bei Schüler(innen) mit portugiesischem Migrationshintergrund in der Schweiz. Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht 23(1). 135-148. Data and R code available from figshare.
Amelia Lambelet, Raphael Berthele, Magalie Desgrippes, Carlos Pestana and Jan Vanhove. 2017. Chapter 2: Testing interdependence in Portuguese Heritage speakers in Switzerland: the HELASCOT project. In Raphael Berthele and Amelia Lambelet (eds.), Heritage and school language literacy development in migrant children: Interdependence or independence?, pp. 26-33. Multilingual Matters.
Carlos Pestana, Amelia Lambelet and Jan Vanhove. 2017. Chapter 4: Reading comprehension development in Portuguese heritage speakers in Switzerland (HELASCOT project). In Raphael Berthele and Amelia Lambelet (eds.), Heritage and school language literacy development in migrant children: Interdependence or independence?, pp. 58-82. Multilingual Matters.
Amelia Lambelet, Magalie Desgrippes and Jan Vanhove. 2017. Chapter 5: The development of argumentative and narrative writing skills in Portuguese heritage speakers in Switzerland (HELASCOT project). In Raphael Berthele and Amelia Lambelet (eds.), Heritage and school language literacy development in migrant children: Interdependence or independence?, pp. 83-96. Multilingual Matters.
Jan Vanhove and Raphael Berthele. 2017. Chapter 6: Testing the interdependence of languages (HELASCOT project). In Raphael Berthele and Amelia Lambelet (eds.), Heritage and school language literacy development in migrant children: Interdependence or independence?, pp. 97-118. Multilingual Matters.
Jan Vanhove. 2017. The influence of Standard and substandard Dutch on gender assignment in second language German. Language Learning 67(2). 431–460. Preregistration, elicitation materials, data and R code available from the Open Science Framework.
Jan Vanhove and Raphael Berthele. 2017. Interactions between formal distance and participant-related variables in receptive multilingualism. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 55(1). 23–40. Data and R code available from figshare.
David Birdsong and Jan Vanhove. 2016. Age of second-language acquisition: Critical periods and social concerns. In E. Nicoladis and S. Montanari (eds), Bilingualism across the lifespan: Factors moderating language proficiency, 163–182. Berlin/Washington, DC: De Gruyter Mouton/American Psychological Association. Postprint.
Jan Vanhove. 2016. The early learning of interlingual correspondence rules in receptive multilingualism. International Journal of Bilingualism 20(5). 580–593. Postprint. Data, R code, scoring protocol and stimulus lists available from figshare.
Jan Vanhove and Raphael Berthele. 2015. Item-related determinants of cognate guessing in multilinguals. In G. De Angelis, U. Jessner and M. Kresić (eds), Crosslinguistic influence and crosslinguistic interaction in multilingual language learning, 95–118. London: Bloomsbury. Postprint. Data and R code available from figshare.
Jan Vanhove. 2015. Analyzing randomized controlled interventions: Three notes for applied linguists. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 5(1). 135–152. Also see the correction note for this paper.
Jan Vanhove and Raphael Berthele. 2015. The lifespan development of cognate guessing skills in an unknown related language. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 53(1). 1–38. Data and R code available from figshare.
Raphael Berthele and Jan Vanhove. 2014. Entre jeunes barbes et vieux de la vieille. Usages du répertoire plurilingue dans une tâche d'intercompréhension à travers les âges. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée 99. 31–50.
Jan Vanhove and Raphael Berthele. 2013. Factoren bij het herkennen van cognaten in onbekende talen: algemeen of taalspecifiek? Taal en Tongval 65. 171–210. Data and R code available from figshare.
Jan Vanhove. 2013. The critical period hypothesis in second language acquisition: A statistical critique and a reanalysis. PLOS ONE 8(7). e69172. Data and R script available from the article's webpage.
- Booklets from the Research Centre on Multilingualism
Amelia Lambelet, Raphael Berthele, Jan Vanhove, Magalie Desgrippes, Carlos Pestana and Fabricio Decandio. 2020. Heritage language and school language: are literacy skills transferable?
- Monographs
Jan Vanhove. 2015. Statistische Grundlagen: eine Einführung mit Beispielen aus der Sprachforschung. Last update: September 2019.
Jan Vanhove. 2014. Receptive multilingualism across the lifespan: Cognitive and linguistic factors in cognate guessing. Ph.D. thesis. University of Fribourg. Data and R code available from figshare.
- Preprints
Jan Vanhove. 2020. Collinearity isn't a disease that needs curing. PsyArXiv Preprints.
Jan Vanhove. 2019. Checking the assumptions of your statistical model without getting paranoid. PsyArXiv Preprints.
- R packages
Jan Vanhove, Raphael Berthele and Amelia Lambelet. 2019. helascot: Datasets for the Heritage Language and School Language (HELASCOT) project. Available from https://github.com/janhove/helascot.
Jan Vanhove. 2019. cannonball: Tools for teaching statistics. R package. Available from https://github.com/janhove/cannonball.