Multilingual language learning and cognitive linguistics
Headed by Prof. Raphael Berthele this research group investigates topics in the following fields:
- Transfer in multilingual language learning
- Bilingualism, multilingualism and literacy
- Receptive Multilingualism, intercomprehension
- Variationist typology of languages and dialects in contact
- Spatial reference in language
Most of its research draws on quantitative methods and on usage-based conceptions of language.
Current research projects
Wie spricht die Schweiz? Konsensdemokratie, Mehrsprachigkeit und politische Mitsprache
Digital tools in L2 and L3 vocabulary acquisition. A cross-linguistic investigation
Digital technology and vocabulary learning in vocational education
Digital translation tools in foreign language teaching and learning
National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) Evolving Language
Former projects (selection):
The influence of Standard and substandard Dutch on gender assignment in L2 German
Productions écrites d’enfants issus de la migration (funded by the Research Center on Multilingualism)
- Team