Studying Romansh?
It's possible - even with little prior knowledge!

Romansh language courses
Each academic year, a two-semester Romansh language course (Sursilvan) is offered.
See > Cuors pratic da romontsch sursilvan.
Courses in German and French
In the autumn semester (SA), an overview course on the sociolinguistic situation of Romansh and the multilingualism of Graubünden is given alternately in French and German.
See > La minorité romanche dans la Suisse multilingue (SA 2023, 2025) / Die rätoromanische Minderheit in der vielsprachigen Schweiz (SA 2024, 2026).
In the autumn semester, the following courses are taught in German on a three-yearly basis:
- Rätoromanische Sprachgeschichte (SA 2021, 2024)
- Rätoromanisch heute (SA 2022, 2025)
- Die Soziolinguistik des Rätoromanischen (SA 2023, 2026)
See > corresponding title.