Transfer of Bacteria From Mothers to Infants Through Breast Milk: A Systematic Review
Delphine Hess, Paula Momo Cabrera, Salome Kurth, Nicholas A. Bokulich, Petra Zimmermann, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal (2025) | Artikel
NapBiome trial: Targeting gut microbiota to improve sleep rhythm and developmental and behavioural outcomes in early childhood in a birth cohort in Switzerland – a study protocol
Petra Zimmermann, Salome Kurth, Stamatios Giannoukos, Martin Stocker, Nicholas A Bokulich, BMJ Open (2025) | Artikel
Rhythms of Early Life: Gut Microbiota Rhythmicity and Circadian Maturation in infants
Christophe Muehlematter, Dennis Sandris Nielsen, Josue Castro-Mejia, Jean-Claude Walser, Sarah Schoch, Salome Kurth, Sarah F. Schoch, Christophe Mühlematter, Dennis S. Nielsen, Josue L. Castro-Mejía, (2025) | Preprint
From womb to crib: How fetal activity patternsin uteroreveal postnatal sleep behavior
Andjela Markovic, Christophe Muehlematter, Christine Blume, Petra Zimmermann, Salome Kurth, Christophe Mühlematter, (2024) | Preprint
Microbial melatonin metabolism in the human intestine as a therapeutic target for dysbiosis and rhythm disorders
Petra Zimmermann, Salome Kurth, Benoit Pugin, Nicholas A. Bokulich, npj Biofilms and Microbiomes (2024) | Artikel
The Infraslow Fluctuation of Sigma Power During Sleep: Links to Markers of Arousal and Memory Reactivation Across Development
, (2024) | Preprint
Dieses Buch ist zum Einschlafen
Salome Kurth, Caroline Lustenberger (Beobachter, Ringier, 2024)
| Buch
Wake EEG oscillation dynamics reflect both sleep need and brain maturation across childhood and adolescence
Sophia Snipes, Elena Krugliakova, Valeria Jaramillo, Carina Volk, Melanie Furrer, Mirjam Studler, Monique LeBourgeois, Salome Kurth, Oskar G. Jenni, Reto Huber, (2024) | Preprint
Associations between Social Contact, Sleep and Dietary Patterns Among Children: A Cross-Sectional Study
Christophe Mühlematter, Matthieu Beaugrand, Andjela Markovic, Salome Kurth, (2023) | Artikel
Associations between Social Contact, Sleep and Dietary Patterns Among Children: A Cross-Sectional Study
Christophe Mühlematter, Matthieu Beaugrand, Andjela Markovic, Salome Kurth, (2023) | Preprint
Not simply a matter of parents—Infants’ sleep-wake patterns are associated with their regularity of eating
Christophe Mühlematter and Dennis S. Nielsen and Josue L. Castro-Mejía and Steven A. Brown and Björn Rasch and Kenneth P. Wright and Jean-Claude Walser and Sarah F. Schoch and Salome Kurth, PLOS ONE (2023) | Artikel
SOS mon bébé ne dort pas
, in RTS, Radio Television Suisse
Salome Kurth
(20.9.2023) | Presseartikel
Lack of association between behavioral development and simplified topographical markers of the sleep EEG in infancy.
Beaugrand M and Jaramillo V and Markovic A and Huber R and Kohler M and Schoch SF and Kurth S, Neurobiology of sleep and circadian rhythms (2023) | Artikel
Sleep spindles across youth affected by schizophrenia or anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor encephalitis.
Dimitriades ME and Markovic A and Gefferie SR and Buckley A and Driver DI and Rapoport JL and Nosadini M and Rostasy K and Sartori S and Suppiej A and Kurth S and Franscini M and Gerstenberg M, Frontiers in psychiatry (2023) | Artikel
Bedtime to the brain: how infants’ sleep behaviours intertwine with non-rapid eye movement sleep electroencephalography features
Sarah Schoch, Valeria Jaramillo, Andjela Markovic, Reto Huber, Malcolm Kohler, Oskar Jenni, Caroline Lustenberger, Salome Kurth, Journal of Sleep Research (2023) | Artikel
Bedtime to the brain: how infants' sleep behaviours intertwine with non-rapid eye movement sleep electroencephalography features.
Schoch SF and Jaramillo V and Markovic A and Huber R and Kohler M and Jenni OG and Lustenberger C and Kurth S, Journal of sleep research (2023) | Artikel
An Infant Sleep Electroencephalographic Marker of Thalamocortical Connectivity Predicts Behavioral Outcome in Late Infancy
Valeria Jaramillo and Sarah F. Schoch and Andjela Markovic and Malcolm Kohler and Reto Huber and Caroline Lustenberger and Salome Kurth, Neuroimage (2023) | Artikel
The sleeping brain’s connectivity and family environment: characterizing sleep EEG coherence in an infant cohort
Andjela Markovic, Sarah F. Schoch, Reto Huber, Malcolm Kohler, Salome Kurth, Scientific Reports (2023) | Artikel
Sleep as a protective factor of children’s executive functions: A study during COVID-19 confinement
Matthieu Beaugrand and Christophe Muehlematter and Andjela Markovic and Valérie Camos and Salome Kurth, PLOS ONE (2023) | Artikel
The protective power of rest
Salome Kurth,
(2023) | Konferenz
Ontogenetic sleep matters – new insights into the sleep-brain-gut connection
Salome Kurth,
(2023) | Konferenz
Infant sleep matters: insights into the sleep-brain-gut connection
Salome Kurth,
(2023) | Konferenz
Die Neurowissenschaft des Säuglingsschlafs und die Darm-Hirn Achse
Salome Kurth,
(2023) | Konferenz
Interactions between sleep and gut bacteria in healthy developing infants
Schoch, S. and Castro-Meija, J.L. and Krych, L. and Kot, W. and Leng, B. and Kohler, M. and Huber, R. and Rogler, G. and Biedermann, L. and Walser, J.-C. and Nielsen, D. and Kurth, S., Sleep Medicine (2022) | Artikel
Sleep as protective factor of children’s executive functions: A study during COVID confinement
Beaugrand, M. and Muehlematter, C. and Markovic, A. and Camos, V. and Kurth, S., Sleep Medicine (2022) | Artikel
Sleep as protective factor of children’s executive functions: A study during COVID confinement
Beaugrand M and Muehlematter C and Markovic A and Camos V and Kurth S, Sleep medicine (2022) | Artikel
0187 Brain Connectivity and Parenting: Association between Familial Factors and Sleep EEG Coherence in Infancy
Markovic, Andjela and Schoch, Sarah and Huber, Reto and Kohler, Malcolm and Kurth, Salome, Sleep (2022) | Artikel
From Alpha Diversity to Zzz: Interactions among sleep, the brain, and gut microbiota in the first year of life
S.F. Schoch and J.L. Castro-Mejía and L. Krych and B. Leng and W. Kot and M. Kohler and R. Huber and G. Rogler and L. Biedermann and J.C. Walser and D.S. Nielsen and S. Kurth, Progress in Neurobiology (2022) | Artikel
Association of transportation noise with sleep during the first year of life: A longitudinal study
Christine Blume and Sarah F. Schoch and Danielle Vienneau and Martin Röösli and Malcolm Kohler and Alexander Moeller and Salome Kurth and Jakob Usemann, Environmental Research (2022) | Artikel
Reifung der Schlaf-Darm-Achse im Säuglingsalter, und Verbindungen zur Verhaltensentwicklung
Salome Kurth,
(2022) | Konferenz
Maturation of sleep-gut microbiome dynamics in infancy and links to behavioral development
Salome Kurth,
(2022) | Konferenz
Sleep to grow a healthy brain, with support of the gut microbiome
Salome Kurth,
(2022) | Konferenz
Which are the central aspects of infant sleep? The dynamics of Sleep Composites across infancy, and From Alpha Diversity to ZZZ: Interactions among sleep, the brain, and gut microbiota in the first year of life
Salome Kurth,
(2022) | Konferenz
Infant sleep matters: new insights into the sleep-brain-gut connection
Salome Kurth,
(2022) | Konferenz
Sleep-wake rhythm development in the (un)born infant: multi-dimensional interactions
Salome Kurth,
(2022) | Konferenz
A dream team: sleep and bacteria of the digestive tract
Salome Kurth,
(2022) | Konferenz
Microbiome and psychopathology
Salome Kurth,
(2022) | Konferenz
Which Are the Central Aspects of Infant Sleep? The Dynamics of Sleep Composites across Infancy
Sarah Schoch, Reto Huber, Malcolm Kohler, Salome Kurth, Sensors (2020) | Artikel
Which are the central aspects of infant sleep? The dynamic of sleep composites across infancy
Schoch SF and Huber R and Kohler M and Kurth S, (2020) | Preprint
Altered EEG markers of synaptic plasticity in a human model of NMDA receptor deficiency: anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
Gefferie SR and Maric A and Critelli H and Gueden S and Kurlemann G and Kurth S and Nosadini M and Plecko B and Ringli M and Rostásy K and Sartori S and Schmitt B and Suppiej A and Bölsterli BK, (2020) | Preprint
Characterization of overnight slow-wave slope changes across development in an age-, amplitude-, and region-dependent manner.
Jaramillo V and Volk C and Maric A and Furrer M and Fattinger S and Kurth S and Lustenberger C and Huber R, Sleep (2020) | Artikel
Actigraphy in sleep research with infants and young children: Current practices and future benefits of standardized reporting
Journal of Sleep Research (2020) | Artikel
0321 Increased Slow-Wave Activity Predicts Slower Processing Speed in Toddlers
Waddle, A E and Kurth, S and Harsh, J and Lassonde, J M and Lee, D and LeBourgeois, M K, Sleep (2020) | Artikel
Spatio-temporal properties of sleep slow waves and implications for development.
Timofeev I and Schoch SF and LeBourgeois MK and Huber R and Riedner BA and Kurth S, Current opinion in physiology (2020) | Artikel
Slow oscillations in children and their potential as neurodevelopmental marker,
Salome Kurth,
(2020) | Konferenz
On the search of how sleep regulation develops in the first year of human life: Does the gut microbiome play a role?
Salome Kurth,
(2020) | Konferenz
Ask the professors: Things I’ve always wanted to know
Salome Kurth,
(2020) | Konferenz
Sleep EEG slow-wave activity in medicated and unmedicated children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Furrer M and Jaramillo V and Volk C and Ringli M and Aellen R and Wehrle FM and Pugin F and Kurth S and Brandeis D and Schmid M and Jenni OG and Huber R, Translational psychiatry (2019) | Artikel
The experience-dependent increase in deep sleep activity is reduced in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Furrer M and Ringli M and Kurth S and Brandeis D and Jenni OG and Huber R, Sleep medicine (2019) | Artikel
Kurth, Salome, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2019) | Artikel
Endocrine responses during CPAP-withdrawal in obstructive sleep apnea: data from two randomised controlled trials
Thiel, Sira and Haile, Sarah R and Peitzsch, Mirko and Schwarz, Esther I and Sievi, Noriane A and Kurth, Salome and Beuschlein, Felix and Kohler, Malcolm and Gaisl, Thomas,
Sleep and control of breathing: European Respiratory Society
(28.9.2019) | Konferenz
Endocrine responses during CPAP withdrawal in obstructive sleep apnoea: data from two randomised controlled trials.
Thiel S and Haile SR and Peitzsch M and Schwarz EI and Sievi NA and Kurth S and Beuschlein F and Kohler M and Gaisl T, Thorax (2019) | Artikel
Actimetry in infant sleep research: an approach to facilitate comparability.
Schoch SF and Jenni OG and Kohler M and Kurth S, Sleep (2019) | Artikel
A simple sleep EEG marker in childhood predicts brain myelin 3.5 years later.
LeBourgeois MK and Dean DC and Deoni SCL and Kohler M and Kurth S, NeuroImage (2019) | Artikel
Improved automatic classification of sleep stages in infants using high-density EEG recordings
S.F. Schoch and I.A. Verzhbinsky and R. Kim and T.J. Sejnowski and S. Kurth, Sleep Medicine (2019) | Artikel
The association between slow-wave activity (SWA) and processing speed in toddlers
A. Waddle and M. LeBourgeois and S. Kurth and J. Harsh and J. Lassonde and D. Lee, Sleep Medicine (2019) | Artikel
Website of the Baby Sleep Lab
Salome Kurth
(2019) | Sonstiges
A sleep EEG marker to assess brain myelin development in children
Salome Kurth,
(2019) | Konferenz
Sleep and gut bacteria in the early human lifespan: A window of opportunity?
Salome Kurth,
(2019) | Konferenz
Maturation of sleep rhythm in children: Investigating its function and risks
Salome Kurth,
(2019) | Konferenz
Sleep regulation in early life – a window of opportunity for development
Salome Kurth,
(2019) | Konferenz
Babies, Bedtimes and Bacteria
Salome Kurth,
(2019) | Konferenz
Development of rhythm in the first year: sleep regulation in infants
Salome Kurth,
(2019) | Konferenz
Babies, Bedtimes and Bacteria
Salome Kurth,
(2019) | Konferenz
Schlaf bei Kindern - ein Fenster mit Einblick in die Entwicklung
Salome Kurth,
(2019) | Konferenz
EEG signatures of brain maturation in children: age-related and across-night dynamics in spatial propagation of slow oscillations
Schoch, S. and Riedner, B. and Dean, D. and O’Muircheartaigh, J. and Deoni, S. and Huber, R. and Jenni, O. and LeBourgeois, M. and Kurth, S., Sleep Medicine (2017) | Artikel
Theta waves in children's waking electroencephalogram resemble local aspects of sleep during wakefulness.
Fattinger S and Kurth S and Ringli M and Jenni OG and Huber R, Scientific reports (2017) | Artikel
Traveling Slow Oscillations During Sleep: A Marker of Brain Connectivity in Childhood.
Kurth S and Riedner BA and Dean DC and O’Muircheartaigh J and Huber R and Jenni OG and Deoni SCL and LeBourgeois MK, Sleep (2017) | Artikel
Acute sleep restriction increases dietary intake in preschool-age children
Mullins, E. N. and Miller, A. L. and Cherian, S. S. and Lumeng, J. C. and Wright, K. P. and Kurth, S. and Lebourgeois, M. K., Journal of Sleep Research (2017) | Artikel
Chronic social stress leads to altered sleep homeostasis in mice
Olini, N. and Rothfuchs, I. and Azzinnari, D. and Pryce, C. R. and Kurth, S. and Huber, R., Behavioural Brain Research (2017) | Artikel
Developmental trajectories of EEG sleep slow wave activity as a marker for motor skill development during adolescence: a pilot study
Lustenberger, Caroline and Mouthon, Anne-Laure and Tesler, Noemi and Kurth, Salome and Ringli, Maya and Buchmann, Andreas and Jenni, Oskar G. and Huber, Reto, Developmental Psychobiology (2017) | Artikel
High-Density Electroencephalographic Recordings During Sleep in Children and Adolescents With Acquired Brain Injury
Mouthon, Anne-Laure and Meyer-Heim, Andreas and Kurth, Salome and Ringli, Maya and Pugin, Fiona and van Hedel, Hubertus J. A. and Huber, Reto, Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair (2017) | Artikel
Sleep Moderates the Association Between Response Inhibition and Self-Regulation in Early Childhood
Schumacher, A. M. and Miller, A. L. and Watamura, S. E. and Kurth, S. and Lassonde, J. M. and LeBourgeois, M. K., Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (2017) | Artikel
Concerns about your baby's sleep: maternal cognitions and infant sleep at 3 and 6 months of age
S.F. Schoch and O.G. Jenni and R. Huber and S. Kurth, Sleep Medicine (2017) | Artikel
The possibility of a sleep-brain-gut axis
Salome Kurth,
(2017) | Konferenz
EEG signatures of brain maturation
Salome Kurth,
(2017) | Konferenz
The gut-brain-sleep axis – how can we digest it
Salome Kurth,
(2017) | Konferenz
Using Actigraphy in Sleep Research
Salome Kurth,
(2017) | Konferenz
Sleep Physiology in Toddlers: Effects of Missing a Nap on Subsequent Night Sleep.
Lassonde JM and Rusterholz T and Kurth S and Schumacher AM and Achermann P and LeBourgeois MK, Neurobiology of sleep and circadian rhythms (2016) | Artikel
Development of nap neurophysiology: preliminary insights into sleep regulation in early childhood
Kurth, Salome and Lassonde, Jonathan M. and Pierpoint, Lauren A. and Rusterholz, Thomas and Jenni, Oskar G. and McClain, Ian J. and Achermann, Peter and LeBourgeois, Monique K., Journal of Sleep Research (2016) | Artikel
Developmental Changes in Sleep Spindle Characteristics and Sigma Power across Early Childhood
McClain, Ian J. and Lustenberger, Caroline and Achermann, Peter and Lassonde, Jonathan M. and Kurth, Salome and LeBourgeois, Monique K., Neural Plasticity (2016) | Artikel
High-density electroencephalographic recordings during sleep in children with disorders of consciousness
Mouthon, Anne-Laure and van Hedel, Hubertus J. A. and Meyer-Heim, Andreas and Kurth, Salome and Ringli, Maya and Pugin, Fiona and Huber, Reto, Neuroimage-Clinical (2016) | Artikel
Mapping brain connectivity with spatio-temporal patterns of sleep slow oscillations across childhood
Salome Kurth,
(2016) | Konferenz
Increased sleep depth in developing neural networks: new insights from sleep restriction in children
Salome Kurth,
(2016) | Konferenz
Sleep and the gut microbiome
Salome Kurth,
(2016) | Konferenz
Developing neural networks: new insights from sleep EEG in children
Salome Kurth,
(2016) | Konferenz
Sleep and neurodevelopment
Salome Kurth,
(2016) | Konferenz
Region-specific response to shortened sleep in childhood: Associations with performance and myelination
Kurth, S. and Dean, D.C. and Achermann, P. and O’Muircheartaigh, J. and Huber, R. and Deoni, S.C. and LeBourgeois, M.K., Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (2015) | Artikel
Sleep and Early Cortical Development.
Kurth S and Olini N and Huber R and LeBourgeois M, Current sleep medicine reports (2015) | Artikel
Caffeine Consuming Children and Adolescents Show Altered Sleep Behavior and Deep Sleep
Aepli, Andrina and Kurth, Salome and Tesler, Noemi and Jenni, Oskar G. and Huber, Reto, Brain Sciences (2015) | Artikel
Myelination Is Associated with Processing Speed in Early Childhood: Preliminary Insights
Chevalier, N. and Kurth, S. and Doucette, M. R. and Wiseheart, M. and Deoni, S. C. L. and Dean, D. C. and O’Muircheartaigh, J. and Blackwell, K. A. and Munakata, Y. and LeBourgeois, M. K., Plos One (2015) | Artikel
Topography of Slow Sigma Power during Sleep is Associated with Processing Speed in Preschool Children
Doucette, Margaret R. and Kurth, Salome and Chevalier, Nicolas and Munakata, Yuko and LeBourgeois, Monique K., Brain Sciences (2015) | Artikel
Sleep and brain development
Salome Kurth,
(2015) | Konferenz
Neural network dynamics: What can we learn from children’s sleep? Symposium title: Brain Plasticity and Network Dynamics in Sleep: Moving the Field Forward with Novel Quantitative Tools
Salome Kurth,
(2015) | Konferenz
Region-specific response to shortened sleep in childhood: Associations with performance and myelination
Salome Kurth,
(2015) | Konferenz
Maturation of EEG neurophysiology: New insights into sleep regulation across childhood
Salome Kurth,
(2015) | Konferenz
Sleep Slow-Wave Activity Reveals Developmental Changes in Experience-Dependent Plasticity
Wilhelm, Ines and Kurth, Salome and Ringli, Maya and Mouthon, Anne-Laure and Buchmann, Andreas and Geiger, Anja and Jenni, Oskar G. and Huber, Reto, Journal of Neuroscience (2014) | Artikel
Spike wave location and density disturb sleep slow waves in patients with CSWS (continuous spike waves during sleep)
Heinzle, Bigna K. Belsterli and Fattinger, Sara and Kurth, Salome and LeBourgeois, Monique K. and Ringli, Maya and Bast, Thomas and Critelli, Hanne and Schmitt, Bernhard and Huber, Reto, Epilepsia (2014) | Artikel
Sleep and brain development
Salome Kurth,
(2014) | Konferenz
Neurodevelopment and sleep regulation in children
Salome Kurth,
(2014) | Konferenz
Region-specific response to sleep restriction in children: associations with performance and myelination
Salome Kurth,
(2014) | Konferenz
Development of Brain EEG Connectivity across Early Childhood: Does Sleep Play a Role?
Kurth S and Achermann P and Rusterholz T and Lebourgeois MK, Brain sciences (2013) | Artikel
Dynamic properties of sleep states in children and adults
Imbach, L. L. and Werth, E. and Kurth, S. and LeBourgeois, M. and Huber, R. and Baumann, C. R., Journal of Neurology (2013) | Artikel
The Effects of Caffeine on Sleep and Maturational Markers in the Rat
Olini, Nadja and Kurth, Salome and Huber, Reto, Plos One (2013) | Artikel
The sleep EEG topography in children and adolescents shows sex differences in language areas
Ringli, Maya and Kurth, Salome and Huber, Reto and Jenni, Oskar G., International Journal of Psychophysiology (2013) | Artikel
Topography of sleep slow wave activity in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Ringli, Maya and Souissi, Soraya and Kurth, Salome and Brandeis, Daniel and Jenni, Oskar G. and Huber, Reto, Cortex (2013) | Artikel
The developing sleep EEG and clinical context
Salome Kurth,
(2013) | Konferenz
Early developmental changes in the temporal dynamics of sleep EEG coherence
Salome Kurth,
(2013) | Konferenz
Myelin patterns and high-density sleep EEG in preschool children. Investigations of brain maturation and function
Salome Kurth,
(2013) | Konferenz
Early developmental changes and across-night dynamics in sleep EEG coherence
Salome Kurth,
(2013) | Konferenz
Local Sleep
Salome Kurth,
(2013) | Konferenz
Brain connectivity assessed by sleep EEG coherence spectra: region- and frequency-specific maturation during early childhood
Kurth, S. and Rusterholz, T. and Achermann, P. and Lebourgeois, M., Journal of Sleep Research (2012) | Artikel
Caffeine delays markers of maturation in juvenile rats
Olini, N. and Kurth, S. and Huber, R., Journal of Sleep Research (2012) | Artikel
Mapping the electrophysiological marker of sleep depth reveals skill maturation in children and adolescents
Kurth, Salome and Ringli, Maya and LeBourgeois, Monique K. and Geiger, Anja and Buchmann, Andreas and Jenni, Oskar G. and Huber, Reto, Neuroimage (2012) | Artikel
Sleep electroencephalography topography and children's intellectual ability.
Geiger A and Huber R and Kurth S and Ringli M and Achermann P and Jenni OG, Neuroreport (2012) | Artikel
Sleep Slow Oscillations and Cortical Maturation
Salomé Kurth and Reto Huber
, Elsevier
(2012) | Sonstiges
Sleep electrophysiology – a mirror of brain maturation
Salome Kurth,
(2012) | Konferenz
Regional sleep physiology and brain development
Salome Kurth,
(2012) | Konferenz
Brain connectivity and sleep in early childhood
Salome Kurth,
(2012) | Konferenz
The maturation of specific skills is predicted by the topographical distribution for sleep slow wave activity
Salome Kurth,
(2012) | Konferenz
Characteristics of sleep slow-waves in children and adolescents
Salome Kurth,
(2009) | Konferenz
Schlaf EEG – Entwicklungsaspekte
Salome Kurth,
(2009) | Konferenz
Relationship between sleep pressure and the slope of slow-waves during puberty
Salome Kurth,
(2008) | Konferenz
From Alpha Diversity to ZZZ: Exploring associations among sleep, gut bacteria and behavioral development in infancy
Schoch, Sarah Fiona and Castro-Meija, Josue L. and Krych, Lukas and Kot, Witold and Leng, Bingfeng and Kohler, Malcolm and Huber, Reto and Rogler, Gerhard and Biedermann, Luc and Walser, Jean-Claude and Nielsen, Dennis S. and Kurth, Salome
, Center for Open Science
| Sonstiges
The Sleeping Brain’s Connectivity and Family Environment: Characterizing Sleep EEG Coherence in an Infant Cohort
Markovic, Andjela and Schoch, Sarah F. and Huber, Reto and Kohler, Malcolm and Kurth, Salome
, Research Square Platform LLC
| Sonstiges
Association of transportation noise with sleep during infancy: a longitudinal study
Blume, Christine and Schoch, Sarah Fiona and Vienneau, Danielle and Röösli, Martin and Kohler, Malcolm and Möller, Alexander and Kurth, Salome and Usemann, Jakob
, Center for Open Science
| Sonstiges