
  • 2019
    • Gaillard, C., Guillod, M., Ernst, M., Torrisi, S., Federspiel, A., Schoebi, D., et al. (2019). Striatal responsiveness to teward under threat-of-shock and working memory load: A preliminary study. Brain and Behavior. 2019;9:e01397.
    • Xu, W., Wang, J., Schoebi, D. (2019). The role of daily couple communication in the relationship between illness representation and fear of cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors and their spouses. Psycho-Oncology. 2019;1-7.
    • Zapata-Calvente, A.L., Megias, J.L., Moya, M., Schoebi, D. (2019). Gender-Related Ideological and Structural Macrosocial Factors Associated With Intimate Partner Violence Against European Woman. Psychology of Woman Quarterly.
    • Pagani, A.F., Parise, M., Donato, S., Gable, S.L., Schoebi, D. (2019). If You Shared My Happinee, You Are Part of Me: Capitalization and the Experience of Couple Identity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 18, 102-110.
    • Luginbühl, T. & Schoebi, D. (2019). Emotion Dynamics and Responsiveness in Intimate Relationships.
  • 2018
    • An, Y., Schoebi, D. & Xu, W. (2018). How does mindfulness modulate daily stress response: evidences from ambulatory assessment. Journal of Psychology & Health. Published online 28.12.2018. DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2018.1539488
    •  Luginbuehl, T. & Schoebi, D. (2018). Emotional dynamics and emotion regulation in intimate relationships. In P.M. Cole & T. Hollenstein (eds.). Emotion regulation: A matter of time. (pp. 208-225). New York: Routledge.
    • Goh, P. H., Stoeckli, P. L., & Schoebi, D. (2018). Mood and the perception of sexual interest in different cultural contexts: A comparison between a Malaysian and a Swiss sample. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, online first publication.
  • 2017
    • Kurz S., Schoebi D., Dremmel D., Kiess W., Munsch S., Hilbert A. (2017). Satiety regulation in children with loss of control eating and attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A test meal study
      doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.04.013-0195-6663
    • Debrot, A., Siegler, S., Klumb, P. L., & Schoebi, D. (2017). Daily work stress and relationship satisfaction: Detachment affects romantic couples’ interactions quality. Journal of happiness studies, .doi 10.1007/s10902-017-9922-6:
    • Malinen, K., Rönkä, A., Sevón, E., & Schoebi, D. (2017). Being a professional, a parent, and a spouse on the same day: Daily spillover of workplace interactions on parenting, and the role of spousal support. Journal of prevention and intervention in the community, 45, 156-167.doi: §0851251.2016.1198121
    • Sabour Esmaeili, N., & Schoebi, D. (2017). Research on Correlates of Marital Quality and Stability in Muslim Countries: A Review. Journal of Family Theory & Review9(1), 69-92. doi: 10.1111/jftr.12181
    • Debrot, A., Meuwly, N., Muise, A., Impett, E. A., & Schoebi, D. (2017). More Than Just Sex: Affection Mediates the Association Between Sexual Activity and Well-Being. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43(3), 287-299.  0146167216684124.
    • Meuwly, N. & Schoebi, D. (2017). Social psychological and related theories on long-term committed romantic relationships. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. doi: 10.1037/ebs0000088.
    • Parise, M., Donato, S., Pagani, A. F., & Schoebi, D. (2017). Keeping calm when riding the rapids: Optimism and perceived partner withdrawal. Personal Relationships. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/pere.12172.
    • Slatcher, R. & Schoebi, D. (2017). Protective processes underlying the links between marital quality and physical health, Current Opinion in Psychology, 13,148–152. DOI:
  • 2016
    • Malinen, K., Rönkä, A., Sevón, E., & Schoebi, D. (in press). Being a professional, a parent, and a spouse on the same day: Daily spillover of workplace interactions on parenting, and the role of spousal support. Journal of prevention and intervention in the community.
    • Pagani, A.F., Donato, S., Parise, M., Iafrate, R. & Schoebi, D. (in press). When good things happen: Explicit capitalization attempts of positive events promote intimate partners' daily well-being. Family Science,
    • Schoebi, D., Pagani, A. F., Luginbuehl, T., & Bradbury, T. N. (in press). Committed to maintain: A brief measure of maintenance oriented relationship commitment (MORC). Family Science,
  • 2015
    • Campos, B., Schoebi, D., Gonzaga, G. C., Gable, S. L. & Keltner, D. (2015). Attuned to the positive? Awareness and responsiveness to others’ positive emotion experience and display. Motivation and Emotion. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s11031-015-9494-x
    • Luginbuehl, T. & Schoebi, D. (2015). Using intensive repeated measures designs to study family processes: Emotional inertia and interpersonal emotion perception in daily life. TPM, 22, 219-234. doi:10.4473/TPM22.2.4
    • Randall, A.K., & Schoebi, D. (2015). Lean on me: Susceptibility to partner affect attenuates psychological distress over a 12-month period. Emotion. Advance online publication.
    • Sabour Esmaeli, N., Yaacob, S. N., Juhari, R., & Schoebi, D. (2015). Predictors of psychological distress among divorced women in Iran. Journal of divorce and remarriage, 56, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/10502556.2015.1012700
    • Schoebi, D. & Randall, A. K. (2015). Emotional dynamics in intimate relationships. Emotion Review. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/1754073915590620
    • Trombello, J. M., Schoebi, D. & Bradbury, T. N. (2015). Personal Vulnerabilities and Assortative Mate Selection among Newlywed Spouses. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 34, 529-553. doi: 10.1521/jscp.2015.34.6.529.
  • 2014
    • Campos, B., Busse, D., Yim, I.S., Dayan, A., Chevez, L., & Schoebi, D. (2014). Are the costs of neuroticism inevitable? Evidence of attenuated effects in US latinas. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20, 430–440.
    • Debrot, A., Schoebi, D., Perrez, M., & Horn, A.B. (2014). Stroking your beloved one's white bear: Responsive touch by the romantic partner buffers the negative effect of thought suppression on daily mood. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33, 75–97.
  • 2013
    • Campos, B., Wang, S.W., Plaksina, T., Repetti, R.L., Schoebi, D., Ochs, E., & Beck, M.E. (2013). Positive and negative emotion in the daily life of dual - earner couples with children. Journal of Family Psychology, 27, 76–85. 
    • Debrot, A., Schoebi, D., Perrez, M., & Horn, A.B. (2013). Touch as an interpersonal emotion regulation process in couples' daily lives: The mediating role of psychological intimacy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. doi: 10.1177/0146167213497592
    • Hilbert, A., Hartmann, A.S., Czaja, J., & Schoebi, D. (2013). Natural course of preadolescent loss of control eating. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 684–693. doi: 10.1037/a0033330
    • Moses Passini, C., Pihet, S., Favez, N., & Schoebi, D. (2013). Assessment of parental discipline in daily life. Journal of Family Psychology, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0031504
  • 2012
    • Schoebi, D., & Perrez, M. (2012). Emotional coregulation in marriage: Contingencies between partner's anger and sadness, as associated with symptoms of depression, marital satisfaction and culture. Interdisciplinary Family Studies, 25, 243–260. 
    • Schoebi, D., Perrez, M., & Bradbury, T.N. (2012). Expectancy effects on marital interaction: Rejection sensitivity as a critical moderator. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 709–718. 
    • Schoebi, D., Way, B.M., Karney, B.R., & Bradbury, T.N. (2012). Genetic moderation of sensitivity to positive and negative affect in marriage. Emotion, 12, 208–212. doi:10.1037/a0026067
  • 2011
    • Schoebi, D., Karney, B.R., & Bradbury, T.N. (2011). Stability and change in the first 10 years of marriage: Does commitment confer benefits beyond the effets of satisfaction? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 729–742. doi:10.1037/a0026290
    • Trombello, J.M., Schoebi, D., & Bradbury, T.N. (2011). Relationship functioning moderates the association between depressive symptoms and life stressors. Journal of Family Psychology, 25, 58–67.