Christophe Fitamen
Doctor of philosophy in psychology
+41 26 300 7669
Department of Education and Teaching Sciences
RM 01 bu. C-3.109
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg -
Department of Psychology
RM 01 bu. C-3.109
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg -
Department of Psychology
RM 01 bu. C-3.109
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg -
Senior Researcher,
Department of Psychology
RM 01 bu. C-3.109
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg
Ongoing Research
- Influence of reward on the allocation of attentional resources in working memory in collaboration with Prof. Valérie Camos, Prof. Chantal Martin Sölch, and Dr. Maximilien Labaronne (University of Fribourg).
- Cognitive Pragmatic Treatment in collaboration with Prof. Chantal Martin Sölch (University of Fribourg), Prof. Francesca M. Bosco and Dr Ilaria Gabbatore (University of Turin).
- Availability of attentional resources and working memory in children with reading impairments with the support of Prof. Valérie Camos (University of Fribourg).
- Working memory development and goal maintenance in collaboration with Prof. Valérie Camos (University of Fribourg), Prof. Agnès Blaye (Aix-Marseille University), Dr Nicolas Chevalier (University of Edinburgh).
- Help in written and oral comprehension for children in collobaration with Mrs. Léa Leuthold (University of Neuchâtel).
- Cognitive development, University of Fribourg, University of Neuchâtel
- Continuing education, Universities of Aix-Marseille, Fribourg
Psychologist at Centre de psychologie de la santé, University of Fribourg
Research and publications
Magazine articles
3 publications
Des béquilles pour la mémoire , in Universitas
Christophe Fitamen, Christian Doninelli (2024) | Press articleLe maintien du but chez les enfants , in REISO, Revue d'information sociale
Christophe Fitamen (11.11.2021) | Press articleJouer = QI au carré ? , in Universitas
Christian Doninelli, Christian Doninelli, Valérie Camos, Christophe Fitamen (2019) | Press article -
36 publications
Prioritization of Items in Working Memory Based on Reward Value: The Role of Attentional Resources Allocation
Valérie Camos, Christophe Fitamen, Maximilien Labaronne, Chantal Martin-Sölch, 65th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society: (24.11.2024) | ConferenceLa mémoire de travail dans les apprentissages scolaires
Christophe Fitamen, 3ème Congrès suisse de psychologie scolaire (9.11.2024) | ConferenceAméliorer la mémoire de travail visuo-spatiale des enfants de 3.5 à 7 ans en étayant leurs stratégies de maintien
Christophe Fitamen, Agnès Blaye, Nicolas Chevalier, Valérie Camos, 3ème Congrès suisse de psychologie scolaire: (9.11.2024) | ConferenceThe role of attention on the impact of reward value on working memory prioritization
Valérie Camos, Christophe Fitamen, Chantal Martin Sölch, 4th International Conference on Working Memory (ICWM): (27.6.2024) | ConferenceLe développement des fonctions exécutives chez l’enfant et l’adolescent
Christophe Fitamen, XIe Journée Scientifique Neurodys/CERTA (21.6.2024) | ConferenceSupport visuel et mémoire de travail visuo-spatial chez l’enfant et l’adulte
Agnès Blaye, Valérie Camos, Christophe Fitamen, 1er colloque du Collectif Cognitif (15.5.2024) | ConferenceEnhancing visuo-spatial working memory performance in children by scaffolding their maintenance strategies
Agnès Blaye, Nicolas Chevalier, Valérie Camos, Christophe Fitamen, 64th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society (11.2023) | ConferenceLe développement de la théorie de l’esprit
Christophe Fitamen, Rencontre de psychologie scolaire 2023 (11.2023) | ConferenceEnhancing story memorization in children with weak phonological skills: the role of pictorial support and mode of presentation (listening or reading)
Christophe Fitamen, Léa Leuthold, 23th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology: (9.2023) | ConferenceTDAH & Mémoire de travail
Christophe Fitamen, Association Suisse romande de Parents d ́Enfants avec Déficit d ́Attention, avec ou sans Hyperactivité (ASPEDAH) (6.2023) | Conference -
10 publications
Enhancing visuo-spatial working memory: the role of visual support in preschoolers and adults
Journal of Cognitive Psychology (2024) | Journal articleDo goal cue and motor activity impact preschoolers’ working memory?
British Journal of Developmental Psychology (2022) | Journal articleLa qualité des amitiés corrèle positivement avec les compétences de régulation émotionnelle : étude sur 49 enfants tessinois·e·s âgé·e·s de 8 à 11 ans
Cortica (2022) | Journal articlePlay First Before Doing Your Exercise: Does Acting in a Game-Like Task Improve 5-Year-Olds’ Working Memory Performance?
Frontiers in Psychology (2021) | Journal articleLa mémoire de travail dans le développement typique
A.N.A.E. (2021) | Journal articleFive-Year-Old Children’s Working Memory Can Be Improved When Children Act On A Transparent Goal Cue
Scientific Reports (2019) | Journal articleHow Goal Cue and Motor Activity Modulate Working Memory Performance in Preschoolers?
Christophe Fitamen and Blaye Agnès and Valerie Camos, (2019) | PreprintThe role of goal cueing in kindergarteners’ working memory
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (2019) | Journal articleSenseCam: A new tool for memory rehabilitation?
Revue Neurologique (2016) | Journal article'Spotlight on the survival processing advantage': An fNIRS study on adaptive memory , in Spatial, Long-and Short-Term Memory: Functions, Differences and Effects of Injury
Patrick Bonin, Laura Ferreri, Margaux Gelin, Christophe Fitamen, Patrick Bard, Aurélia Bugaiska (2016) | Book chapter -
Research projects
Attentional resource sharing during a working memory task according to the value of the information to be memorize
Status: Ongoing