This page belongs to a former research unit of our Department.
Cette page appartient à une ancienne unité de recherche de notre Département.
Diese Seite gehört zu einer ehemaligen Forschungseinheit unserer Abteilung.
Clinical Child Psychology and Biological Psychology
The clinical child psychology and biological psychology research group deals with the fundamental mechanisms of mental disorders in children. Our research focuses on the influence of stress experience and regulation in the development and persistence of mental disorders during childhood.
We investigate closely childhood and parental influences and examine how they evolve over time. Using a biopsychosocial approach preschool children and their parents are subjected to various stress situations. We then apply standard clinical and developmental psychological methods and record physiological data. The research in our groups intends to acquire fundamental understanding of how mental disorders arise, which is then applied in prevention and therapy.
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Nadine Messerli
University of Fribourg
Department for Psychologie
Rue P.A. de Faucigny 2
1700 Fribourg
RM 02, S-1.147
+41 26 300 76 51