Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

The aim is to acquire comprehensive basic understanding of mental disorders in child, adolescent or adults

The aim of the teaching program of the clinical psychology and psychotherapy is to transmit scientific understanding of the psychological, biological and psychosocial mechanisms that lie at the root of mental disorders over the different stages of the human lifespan. The course includes the epidemiological, etiological and psychological description of the most important mental disorders. A central focus is on research of the most effective treatment for mental disorders.

A “Scientist-Practitioner” Approach

The research group of the clinical psychology and psychotherapy adopts the “Scientist-Practitioner” approach. On one hand, research results are applied to the clinical practice, on the other the experience of the practical, therapeutic work influences the research undertaken. For this reason, most of the members of the group are active in clinical practice as well as in scientific research.

In their clinical training, students can obtain practical experience at the center for psychotherapy. It is also possible for them to participate in one of the ongoing research projects of the department.

Experimental psychopathology and intervention research

The combination of experimental psychopathology and research intervention of children, adolescents and adults is at the center of the research activities of the working group clinical psychology and psychotherapy. The research group uses psychophysiological measurement methods and new technologies (email and internet based interventions, virtual reality) to further develop evidence based treatments.

Students have already the possibility, in the Bachelor and throughout the Master course, to deal with real research results and to grasp their clinical relevance. They acquire a differentiated knowledge of the appropriate clinical, psychological and physiological research methods. The training in these methods is done in small study groups.

Our aim is to encourage a curious, critical and reflective standpoint, and to promote creativity in research and clinical work.

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Research projects


Books and book contributions


Marlen Grossenbacher
University of Fribourg
Department of Psychology
Rue P.-A. de Faucigny 2
CH-1700 Fribourg
 +41 (0)26 300 7655 E-Mail