

Thank you for your interest in the Department of Psychology!

You can find all practical information regarding a mobility stay in Fribourg on the following page of the international office.


Long stay
  • Classes offered

    You can find the classes you can attend to on that page.

    Overview of our offer here.

  • Class registration

    You cannot register for classes via the portal MyUnifr. You have to submit your Learning Agreement (LA) to the master study advisor (FR / DE) as early as possible. Once your LA is accepted, you will be manually registered to the classes you chose.

  • Contact

    Master study advisor (FR / DE).


Single classes

If you are studying in another Swiss University, you can validate classes open to mobility without paying additional fees. Please follow these instructions:

  • Register as a host student:  see this page
  • Since you cannot register yourself for classes, please send your list of classes during the registration period ( FR /  DE) to
  • Check the FAQ sections “Classes” and “Exams” for additional information.

Mobility classes:

However, if you are studying at a non-Swiss University or registered as a free listener, you cannot validate psychology classes at master’s level.


Long stay

The mobility programs are managed by the International Relations Office.

Studying in another swiss university: Swiss Mobility Program

Studying in a European University: Swiss European Mobility Program

Studying abroad around the world: check the different programs

Summary of the programs under “Mobility program” on the following page

Please check out the submission deadline for each program you are interested in.

  • Overarching procedure

    The complete procedure is described on the page of the International Relations Office. You will be asked to establish a Learning Agreement (i.e. the list of classes you wish to visit).

  • Procedure for the recognition of classes in Psychology

    For the Department to validate the Learning Agreement, you have to fill in the ECTS credits recognition form. This form mainly consists of a table where the classes in Psychology you wish to get recognized are listed. Per class, you need to include the following information:

    • the title
    • the official description and a link (if available)
    • the number of credits
    • the UNIFR module in which you think this class can be recognized (e.g. “basis module”, “Methods and interventions on clinical and health psychology”, …)

    Requirements for the recognition of classes:

    • Only master classes can be recognized
    • A maximum of 30 ECTS can be recognized
    • A maximum of 6 ECTS per module (basis module, 2 class modules of the main program and 2 class modules of the specialisation program) can be recognized
    • Only classes taught in English can be recognized in the basis module
    • The mandatory classes in the basis module cannot be replaced by equivalent classes

      The evaluation of the table takes some time. Please send the form for the recognition of classes to the master study advisor(FR / DE) at least a month before the submission deadline of the program.

  • Questions

    Contact the master study advisor (FR / DE).


Single classes

During your master program you can validate up to 12 ECTS in other Swiss universities. To make them recognized in your study program, you need first the approval of the master study advisor. The second step is to be registered as a visiting student at the host university. Being allowed to attend a class is sometimes not enough. Below you can find a link per Swiss university which may help you with the registration procedure. Please check thoroughly the procedure and deadlines!

To avoid any administrative issue, please check thoroughly the procedure and deadlines of the host university!

  • Recognition procedure

    For the Department to recognize the classes you have to fill in the ECTS credits recognition form. This form mainly consists of a table where the classes in Psychology you wish to get recognized are listed. Per class, you need to include the following information:

    • the title

    • the official description and a link (if available)

    • the number of credits

    • the UNIFR module in which you think this class can be recognized (e.g. “basis module”, “Methods and interventions on clinical and health psychology”, …)

    Requirements for the recognition of classes:

    • Only master classes can be recognized

    • A maximum of 12 ECTS can be recognized

    • A maximum of 6 ECTS per module (basis module, 2 class modules of the main program and 2 class modules of the specialisation program) can be recognized

    • Only classes taught in English can be recognized in the basis module

    • The mandatory classes in the basis module cannot be replaced by equivalent classes

    The evaluation of the table takes some time. Please send the form for the recognition of classes to the master study advisor (FR / DEat least a month before the start of the relevant semester.

    For neuropsychology classes in Geneva, please check the exact procedure with the neuroscience student advisor.