The portraits of REGARD
Click on the photos to discover the paths of REGARD's participants, speakers and partners!
Jenifer Miehlbradt, PhD candidate, EPFL
Noémie Chardonnens, Lecturer, University of Lausanne
Monique Bolli, PhD candidate, EPFL
Fabienne Gfeller, PhD candidate, University of Neuchâtel
Nicolas Ruffieux, Professor, University of Fribourg
Valérie Santschi, Professor, HES-SO
Lucile Davier, Lecturer, University of Geneva
Katarzyna Wac, Associate Professor, University of Geneva
Eva Vokacova, Trainer, REGARD
Sara Cotelli, Director and translation lecturer, University of Neuchâtel
Alexandra Kämpfer-Homsy, Professor, HES-SO
Valérie D'Acremont, Professor, University of Lausanne
Meike Ramon, Senior researcher, University of Fribourg
Claudia Möri, Current program manager, REGARD