Inclusive leadership


September, 12, 2024

Lieu Université de Neuchâtel

9am - 4pm


For free: Unifr, UNIGE, UNIL, UNINE, HES-SO, EPFL;
CHF 250: other universities

Type Séminaire / Cours
Langue·s Anglais
A télécharger
Workshop description

Atelier pour un public mixte

Doctorant-e-s, chercheuses/chercheurs avancé-e-s, professeur-e-s


Description et objectifs
Diversity and inclusion are part of the current challenges facing our democratic societies and have become central themes in the development strategies of Swiss academies. These inclusion policies go beyond mere fad effects and help to sustainably increase performance and support innovation within companies and universities.
While these policies are bringing about structural changes, what awareness and individual adjustments are involved in implementing inclusion at the level of groups of individuals?
This workshop aims to

  • improve your skills in individual and group social interaction
  • discuss ways of enhancing diversity within groups to support their performance and potential for innovation
  • ​​​​​​​develop your inclusive leadership skills

The workshop is highly participative and interactive. Using a mix of theoretical inputs and individual, pair and group exercises, we will look at the issues and benefits of diversity and inclusion in an academic context, and the benefits for teams, particularly in terms of improved functioning, job satisfaction and performance.

One-day workshop with theoretical input and application through individual, pair and group exercises. One-hour individual coaching on request.


None, the workshop is open to all academic staff, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion, social class, hierarchical level, physical characteristics, age or any other detail of life, accidental or chosen.


Schicka Manuela


Marie-Paule Haefliger, FSP psychologist, executive and business coach, trainer,

Dates et lieux
Période Lieu
12.09.2024 de 09:00 à 16:00 Université de Neuchâtel
Médias et documents


Remarques sur l'inscription

Registration starts 2 August.

Once your registration is confirmed, it is considered final. Withdrawal less than one week before the workshop OR an absence from the workshop without excuse or explanation entail a fee of CHF 200.- (except in the case of force majeure). 
