Curated opportunities

Here you will find a list of curated research opportunities prepared by the Research Promotion Service of the University of Fribourg. 

You have to log in to Pivot-RP to be able to access these curated searches. 

You can further refine and save these curated searches following the procedure described below.  

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  • How to further refine and save an existing curated search

    If you want to further refine and save (under another name) a curated search that was established by the Research Promotion Service of the Unifr, you can follow the steps described below. 

    1. When visualizing the curated search, click on "view as search" in the upper right corner. 

    2. You can now further refine the initial search by clicking on "Refine Search" and changing the pre-defined filters. 

    3. Once you are satisfied with your search, you can click on "Save Search" and then specify a name for your search as well as if you want to receive weekly email reminders about new or updated opportunities from this search.