Centenary Research Fund
The University of Fribourg Centenary Research Fund is aimed at Unifr researchers and is intended to support research activities that contribute to the intellectual influence of the institution.
- Only applications submitted by researchers employed by the University of Fribourg (min. 50%) and holding a doctorate are eligible.
- Funding is only available for activities taking place at the University of Fribourg or in close connection with the institution, and is not retroactive.
- The maximum grant is in principle CHF 7,000 (CHF 5,000 for events).
Project categories eligible for funding:
- Scientific research - carrying out research projects or preparing a project for a third party (external) submission, and exceptionally complementing a third party project.
- Scientific event - an event of a scientific nature which is not part of the course programme, up to a maximum of CHF 5,000 and subject to specific conditions (see Guiding principles opposite!).
- International exchange - contribution in the case of a research visit (to and from Unifr) of a maximum of a few months, provided that the International Relations Office does not cover such costs.
- Proof of Concept (PoC) / Prototyping - support for the steps necessary to verify the applicability of new technologies, after approval by the KTT Service only.
- Other scientific activity - any other activity related to scientific research, EXCEPT publication costs (including thesis), translation or proofreading, and compensation of participants.
Submission of the application
The Guidelines, Guiding principles and information provided on this page should be consulted before submitting an application.
Only applications that comply with the criteria and requirements will be eligible.
Submission is made exclusively via the online form (see link opposite), at the latest by the deadline for submission.
Evaluation and decision
The applications are evaluated by the Council Office of the Board of Trustees. This meets four times a year, approx. 45 days after the submission deadline.
2025 Council Office meetings:
2 April 2025
12 November 2025
The decision of the Council Office will be communicated at the earliest 2 months after the submission deadline exclusively by e-mail.
Payment of the subsidy
The funds can be granted in two different ways:
- By direct granting: the amount is transferred to the internal account specified when the application was submitted within 30 days of the grant decision being issued.
- As a guarantee to cover any final deficit. This form of funding is common in the category "Scientific Event": in this case, the amount will be paid to the beneficiary AFTER the final report has been approved by the office, at the earliest one month after the submission of the final report.
Make sure you plan your project with this process in mind.
The Fund does not make third-party or external payments; the beneficiary is responsible for handling invoices (deferral, payment, etc.) to creditors.
The funds paid in or guaranteed may not be used for purposes other than those for which they were requested and/or approved.
Project completion
No later than two months after completion of the project, the recipient submits a final scientific and financial report (form opposite). This report is submitted to the Council Office for approval and then forwarded to the Board of Trustees.
Any unused amount reverts to the Foundation.
Submission deadlines
- March 1st
- October 1st