Published on 05.04.2022

Support for Researchers affected by the war in Ukraine: UniFR, SNSF, CARA, and more

The University of Fribourg strongly condemns Russia's military intervention in Ukraine and fully supports Swissuniversities' statements denouncing the war. The UniFR research community commits itself to doing everything it can to help and welcome researchers from Ukrainian universities, as well as Russian researchers who find themselves in a difficult situation through no fault of their own. 

The University of Fribourg has set up a very useful website which regroups a lot of information about financial and psychological support for those in need during this difficult time. The SNSF offers support through its Scholars at Risk (SAR) programme, which has previously aided researchers from the Congo, Serbia, Syria, and Turkey to be able to continue their research in Switzerland. The SNSF had allocated 9 million Swiss Francs to specifically support researchers affected by the war in Ukraine. 

UniFR is a member of Scholars at Risk, and it is therefore possible for researchers who are affected by the war and who want to come to Fribourg to apply directly through the Scholars at Risk network, here. The funding provided by the will be used to finance researchers during their stay in Swiss universities (“Scholars at Risk” scheme), as well as providing for project extensions, supplementary grants, and allowing an extension for research projects delayed due to their focus on Russia or Belarus. These measures are, for the moment, limited to a 12-month period. 

In addition, you can find here an updated list of laboratories that can host Ukrainian scientists at all career levels. You are most welcome to add your own laboratory, department, or centre to this list, in the event you are able to host somebody yourself. Another important resource is CARA, an international organisation that helps academics at risk find temporary refuge in universities and research institutions. Finally, you can follow on social media the latest international news about practical support provided by universities for affected scholars by following the Science for Ukraine (@Sci_for_Ukraine) Twitter handle (see also their Science for Ukraine website).

Do not hesitate to contact the International Relations Office for additional information or for potential questions: