Published on 13.06.2022

The UniFR Grant Tool: help for your DMP

The new Grant Tool, which can be found under your myunifr research tab, is home to a multitude of new functionalities and services to help you in applying for and managing third-party funding. One invaluable page it houses concerns writing a Data Management Plan (DMP), a living document that has now become a new standard requirement of funding bodies such as the SNSF and the European Union Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation, and that describes the datasets that are generated and/or reused during and after a research project. 

Alongside general information about DMPs, researchers desirous to apply for SNSF funding will find on this page a very useful resource: a series of documents that regroup “best practice” examples of answers of researchers from different fields (e.g. Social Sciences, Humanities, Sciences) to the questions appearing on SNSF DMPs. In addition to this, you will find there a treasure trove of links to websites advising on DMP writing, checklists and online tools for writing one's DMP, as well as informational websites catering to scientists wishing to apply for European or US projects. 

The tool also enables you to ask a direct question of the SPR team about your Data Management Plan. The SPR is at your disposal to check your DMP and other application documents, whether it be via the DMP page or through our email address. We do recommend that you plan sufficient time between contacting us and the application deadline.