Published on 13.06.2022

News from the KTT Service: stronger collaboration for innovation projects

The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Service (KTT) supports researchers in setting up innovative projects and collaborations with industrial partners.

Important aspects in bringing research results towards the market are proof-of-concept studies, which help demonstrate the practical potential of research results, and scaling-up, which permits to increase production capacity. For this, collaborations with partners at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Fribourg (HEIA-FR) are very useful. UNIFR can already boast of several successful collaborative projects financed by Innosuisse. To facilitate such collaborations, UNIFR and HEIA have signed an agreement. 

Researchers interested in collaborating with HEIA-FR for scale-up or proof-of-concept studies should contact the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Service for help finding the adequate partner and financing.

When it comes to collaborations with industrial partners, the service would like to encourage researchers to contact KTT before starting negotiations. Indeed, the service can assist in preparing the necessary contracts. 

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