Published on 29.09.2022
European Research Funding Week (24-28.10.2022)
A whole week dedicated to European Research Opportunities!
From 24 to 28 of October, the University of Fribourg is inviting Euresearch's National Contact Points (NCPs) to give daily presentations on the following Horizon Europe clusters: Inclusive Society, Material, Food, Health, and Digital/ICT. These specialists from Euresearch will provide their insights on the application requirements and the 2023/2024 work programme of the European Framework Programme.
Eureka/Eurostars and COST will be integrated. Further, it will also be possible to organise individual meetings with the NCPs to discuss your specific needs.
The presentations will usually take place over lunch, with the exception of the Monday 24th October event, which will be held in the late afternoon. All events will be on site at the University of Fribourg, either in Miséricorde (salle Jäggi) or in the Pavillon Vert, situated in the beautiful Fribourg Botanical Garden.
The overall planning is as follows:
- 24.10: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
- 25.10: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
- 26.10: Digital/ICT
- 27.10: Health
- 28.10: Industry/material and EUREKA - Eurostars
Should you have any questions, please contact the Research Promotion Service (SPR, Euresearch Region FR&VS).
Register here and take part in one or more presentations!