Published on 29.09.2022

Horizon Europe - Call ERC Synergy 2023

If a research problem is too ambitious to be dealt with within the confines of one's own research team, why not answer the ERC Synergy Call ?

In a Synergy project, two to a maximum of four Principal Investigators (PIs) - of which one can be from Switzerland - work together and bring in different skills and resources to tackle a challenging research problem. Applications must demonstrate that the proposed research cannot be carried out by a single PI working alone. Further, every PI must testify to an excellent track-record. Topics can arise from any field of research and there are no predetermined priorities.

The PIs' Host Institutions have to be established in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries, but one PI can be hosted or employed by an institution outside of these Countries, e.g. Switzerland, and will be financed by Europe.

Submission deadline: 8.11.2022

Link to the ERC Synergy Call: