Published on 03.10.2022

Horizon Europe - ERC Starting grant 2023 open

The ERC 2023 Starting Grant call (ERC-2023-StG) is now open for submissions.

ERC Starting Grants are typically awarded for five years, with a funding of EUR 1.5 million and should enable promising candidates (PhD obtained 2 to 7 years prior to 1.1.2023) to gain scientific independence and to establish their own group and direction.

Switzerland's participation in the scheme is currently being evaluated. Should this be possible, successful submissions which list a Swiss-based host institution will then be financed by SERI.

If it turns out that this is not possible, the SNSF will publish a transitional measure that should be very similar to the ERC Starting Grant scheme, so that the documents prepared for the European call should to some extent be reusable.

If you are interested, please contact the Research Promotion Service (SPR) for detailed information.

Submission deadline: 25.10.2022

Link to the ERC Starting Grant Call: