Published on 07.06.2023

New SNSF Portal for Grant Applications

Many researchers will already have visited parts of that portal, as it is currently the place where CVs in the new format have to be created when applying for SNSF funding. Currently, mySNF remains central as applications for many calls are still submitted there, and lifetime management of closed projects will continue to take place on that platform, at least in the mid-term. However, selected calls will gradually begin to be processed entirely on the new SNSF portal, with the call for Project Funding, which is due to open in July, being next in line. 

The new SNSF platform is part of an initiative designed to streamline the grant application process and facilitate collaborative research. Evaluation body members, researchers and grant office employees have been involved in the creation of this portal in order to make sure its design serves its future users. New features aim to make it easier for applicants and teams to work collaboratively on proposals, as well as to provide a more precise separation of data relevant to the evaluation process from administrative data.  The SPR team will be available to accompany all UniFr researchers through this transition.