Open Access Guidelines of the Funding Agencies
The guidelines of the various research funding organisations differ considerably. In the database Sherpa/Juliet you can search for the individual guidelines. The guidelines of the most important institutions can be found below.
Swiss National Science Fund (SNSF)
Green Open Access: Maximum embargo fo 6 months
Gold Open Access: Funding of APC for articles in gold Open Access journals and for books
Hybrid Open Access: Accepted but not funded
Horizon 2020 (European Commission)
Green Open Access: Maximum embargo of 6 months (science) and 12 months (humanities and social sciences) respectively
Gold Open Access: APC are funded for the duration of the project, also articles in subscription journals (hybrid OA) are funded
Further information: -
National Institutes of Health (US)
After a maximum embargo of 12 months an electronic version of the publication must be available on PubMed Central. Non-compliance will result in cuts in project funding.
Wellcome Trust (UK)
Green Open Access: after a maximum embargo fo 6 months an electronic version of the publication (also books) must be available on PubMed Central oder Europe PubMed Central. Non-compliance will be sanctioned
Gold Open Access: CC-By licence recommended
Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation
Only Gold Open Acces with CC-By License. APC are funded.