Open Science Short Lectures
Under the title Open Science Short Lectures, the Coordination Office of the Documentation Centres offers short events of 45 minutes on various topics of Open Science. The Short Lectures can be attended as part of the official program (see below). However, it is also possible to book them for a department or research unit. In this case, it is also possible to combine several Short Lectures into one larger event. The Short Lectures are offered in German, French and English.
Open Science Short Lectures (registration below)
How to publish in Open Access @ UNIFR - Thomas Henkel
Topics: Possibilities to publish Open Access (Green and Golden Road), funding opportunities (Read & Publish Agreements, SNSF, OA Fund), useful tools (Sherpa/Romeo, Directory of Open Access Journals, Papago).
Datum: Tuesday November 5 2024, 12.15pm
Room: Pérolles 21 C130 or online
Language: English
Data Stewardship @ UNIFR - Thomas Henkel
Topics: Presentation of the new service, the Data Stewards in the faculties, what you can expect from them (and what not).
Date: Tuesday November 19 2024, 12.15pm
Room: Pérolles 21 C130 or online
Language: English
Why do I need a Data Management Plan (DMP)? - Thomas Henkel & Pavel Bednarek
Topics: The purpose of a DMP, essential components (with a special focus on file naming conventions)
Date : Thursday December 5 2024, 12.15pm
Room: Perolles 21 E130 or online
Language: English