Values & Ethics in Research

The University of Fribourg is committed to ethical principles and expects its researchers to respect and conduct themselves with scientific integrity.

UniFr Values

In order to fulfil the task assigned to it by the Canton of Fribourg in the University Act and make full use of its autonomy, the University of Fribourg promotes quality, responsibility and readiness to engage in dialogue.

Research involving animals 

The UniFr promotes the 3R principle in all areas of laboratory animal science. They support the scientists and provide guidelines and internal controls.

Research with Humans

National and international legislation regulates research involving humans and human embryonic stem cells, as well as research with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), pathogens, and personal data.

Good Research Practice

UniFr also supports research integrity by giving insight and information regarding actual topics such as dual use, research assessment, and AI, as well as by offering services such as the mediation service, tools for checking plagiarism, support, and membership in the Swiss Reproducibility Network.

Data Protection in Research

Projects involving collecting and processing personal data are regulated by the Cantonal law on data protection and transparency. 

Open science

Open Science strives to ensure transparency and good scientific practice. It promotes free access to research publications (Open Access) as well as to research-related resources such as data.