Good Research Practice

Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity

The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, the Swiss National Science Foundation, swissuniversities, and Innosuisse have reviewed and drawn up a Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity with the aim of promoting appropriate attitudes and helping build a robust culture of scientific integrity within the Swiss higher education system.

Plagiarism detection

Most scientific writing is based on research done by others. It is thus essential to respect other researchers by properly acknowledging their work and giving the appropriate citation.

Researchers from the University of Fribourg can use the plagiarism detection tool Compilatio, which is handled by the Centre NTE.

Dual-Use in Research

Dual-use in Research refers to research that generates knowledge, products, software and technology that can be used for both civilian and military applications. The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) requires approval to export goods that fall under this category.


ORCiD is a not-for-profit initiative supported by universities, academies, research funders, publishing houses and libraries worldwide. ORCiD will extend the visibility of your research activities. The UniFr requires all researchers at the University to create their ORCiD and link it to the University directory.

Swiss Reproducibility Network (SwissRN)

UniFr is a member of the SwissRN, which is a national, peer-led consortium of researchers that aims to promote and ensure rigorous research practices by sharing methods and workflows used in a project. 

Research Assessment

Unifr has signed the DORA agreement and the CoARA agreement and is a member of CoARA.  

Use of Generative AI in Research

Generative AI (Artificial intelligence) has become an integrative part of research activities, including grant writing, translation, etc. Different research organisations,  national funding agencies such as the SNSF, as well as the European Commission, have published guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research.

The Mediation Service of UniFr

The Mediation service is available to the entire university community. It aims to contribute to the efficient and effective resolution of conflicts in the interest of a good learning, teaching and working climate at the university.