Success stories - Brochures

Brochures sur certains projets de recherche financés par l'UE à l'Université de Fribourg

Prof. Horst Machguth, ERC Starting

CASSANDRA -  Assessing the melting of Greenland

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Prof. Nathalie Stroeymeyt, ERC Starting
DISEASE - Risk and Immune Strategies in Social Insects

PDF Brochure

Prof. Véronique Dasen, ERC Advanced
Locus Ludi - The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity

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Prof. Nico Bruns, MSCA Innovative Training Network
PlaMatSu - A Training Network to develop Synthetic Materials Inspired from Plants.

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Prof. Björn Rasch, ERC Starting
MemoSleep - A memory based sleep and cognitive functioning

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Prof. Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, ERC Consolidator
GraphInt - Automating the integration and analysis of Big Data

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Prof. Simon Sprecher, ERC Starting
PhotoNaviNet - Photoreception in Drosophila larvae: Information coding in a simple neuronal circuit

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Prof. Philipp Werner, ERC Starting
DYNCORSYS - Real-time dynamics of correlated many-body systems  

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Prof. Christophe Weder,  ERC Advanced
MERESPO - Development of new 'intelligent' Mechanically Responsive Materials

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