Aleksandra Jasinska
Chaire Ressources Humaines et Organisation
Université de Fribourg
Bd. de Pérolles 90
CH-1700 Fribourg
Bureau D420 Bâtiment 21
Tel: +41 26 300 82 42
About Aleksandra
Aleksandra Jasinska completed a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Ottawa (Canada), Master in Management Science at the Ivey Business School (Canada), as well as a CEMS Master in International Management jointly at the ESADE Business School (Spain) and Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (Chile). She previously worked as a Brand Manager at Procter & Gamble (Switzerland) and has international work experience across multiple sectors including NGOs, start-ups, consulting and multinationals.
As part of her doctoral program, she conducts research about development and training programs for managers. She also participates in teaching activities and supervising student works.
In her spare time, she loves playing sports - especially soccer, tennis, biking, ski and swimming. She also enjoys entrepreneurship, cooking and learning about religion.
Feel free to connect - she loves exchanging ideas and meeting new people!