Research and publications

Research of Eric Davoine and his team focuses on various HRM-related topics, among which:

  • Evaluation of HR practices and tools (recruitment, training, digital transformation of HR, development)
  • Behaviours, career paths and cognition of top managers
  • HR practices in the context of multinational companies and the influence of national contexts
  • International mobility and its consequences
  • National culture and languages in transnational organizations
  • Flexible space-time working practices 


Over the 2023-2027 period, our research projects focus on careers, talent management and international mobility issues. Our projects will be developed along three lines as part of three major research projects funded by the SNSF:

  • A research area on international mobility issues focusing on highly skilled male and female migrants in different professional contexts in Switzerland. This project was developed as part of the 3rd phase of the NCCR LIVES (IP6): Gender, mobility and vulnerabilities, co-directed with Prof. Nicky Le Feuvre of the University of Lausanne. Another project on new virtual working practices in a transnational context was developed as part of the NCCR On-the-Move (IP38) SNSF in cooperation with Dr. Flavia Cangia and Prof. Xavier Salamin from the HEG Sierre.


  • A research area focusing on the careers of Swiss executives and talent management in three major economic sectors (watchmaking, banking and chemicals/pharmaceuticals). This project is being developed as part of an SNSF Sinergia project in cooperation with Prof. André Mach and Dr. Stéphanie Ginalski of the University of Lausanne, Prof. Matthieu Leimgruber of the University of Zurich, and Prof. Pierre-Yves Donzé of Osaka University.


  • A research area is currently being developed on the subject of digitisation and the new practices of space-time flexibility in the organisation of work, both before and after the pandemic. The project commenced prior to the onset of the Covid19 pandemic, with the submission of Bertrand Audrin's doctoral thesis and a study conducted a in collaboration with the HR Romand congress in 2023. From 2024, an SNSF weave project in collaboration with the LENTIC at the University of Liège (Prof. Gregory Jemine) and Prof. Bertrand Audrin (EHL) will seek to examine the potential of new workspaces and the evolving uses of workspaces. 


Please visit collaborators' personal pages for a full list of publications.

  • Academic publications since 2017

    Bertrand Audrin, Eric Davoine, François Pichault
    Building legitimacy in flexible work projects : A study on institutional, organizational and individual narratives

    In: International journal of Project Management, 42(5), 1-13, 2024.
    Site web

    Bertrand Audrin, Eric Davoine
    151 Metaphors of Digital Transformation

    In: The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies, 151-165, 2024.
    Site web

    Eric Davoine, Olivier Furrer, Sophie Nivoix
    Internationalization and Organizations: Challenges and Prospects

    Routledge, 2024.
    Site web

    Pedro Araujo, Eric Davoine
    How mobile is the transnational business elite? Evidence from Swiss banking executives

    In: Global Networks, e12461, 2023.
    Site web

    Eric Davoine, Sima Tashtish, Flavia Cangià
    La difficile conversion des capitaux de carrière en situation de migration forcée: une étude de cas sur les réfugiés syriens très qualifiés en Suisse
    In: La gestion des carrières: une approche par les mobilités, 83-96, 2023.
    Site web
    Thomas David, Eric Davoine
    Chef militaire ou civil ? Grandeur et déclin du prestige de l'uniforme
    In: C'est qui ton chef ? Sociologie du leadership en Suisse, 49-65, 2023.
    Site web
    Pedro Araujo, Eric Davoine, Pierre-Yves Donzé
    Banking elites and the transformation of capitalism in Switzerland: A prosopographic analysis (1890-2020)
    In: Business History, 1-25, 2023.
    Site web
    Nicky Le Feuvre, Eric Davoine, Flavia Cangià
    When Mobility Meets Gender in the Transnational Life-Course
    In: Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, 67-89, 2023.
    Site web
    Valentina Dolce, Eric Davoine, Sophie Wodociag, Chiara Ghislieri
    The road to an international career: The "Erasmus effect" on resilience, intercultural interactions and cultural intelligence
    In: International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2023.
    Site web
    Flavia Cangià, Sabrine Wassmer, Eric Davoine, Xavier Salamin
    From "digital nomadism" to "rooted digitalism": The remote work and im/mobilities of IT professionals in times of Covid-19
    In: Transitions of Transient Migration 6(1-2), 61-80, 2022.
    Site web
    Flavia Cangià, Eric Davoine, Sima Tashtish
    Gender and the career trajectories of highly skilled Syrian refugees in Switzerland
    In: Migration Letters, 19(6), 751-764, 2022.
    Site web
    Couverture Olivier Furrer, Eric Davoine
    Les défis de l'internationalisation des organisations
    Éditions Vuibert, 2022.
    Site web
    Eric Davoine, Stefan Schmid
    Career patterns of top managers in Europe: Signs of further globalisation?
    In: European Management Journal, 2022.
    Site web
    Eric Davoine
    The Mirror-Effect: a Self-Image for Change.
    In: Traité du management socio-économique – Théorie et pratiques, 1145-1153, 2021. 
    Site web
    Eric Davoine
    Cultures et gestion des ressources humaines.
    In: Les grands courants en GRH, 53-67, 2021. 
    Site web
    Bertrand Audrin, Eric Davoine, Jean-Claude Métraux
    Pertes et deuil des acteurs de la digitalisation: le cas de l’automatisation des caisses dans la grande distribution suisse.
    In: Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels 27(68), 31-54, 2021. 
    Site web
    Flavia Cangià, Eric Davoine, Sima Tashtish
    (Im) mobilities, waiting and professional aspirations: The career lives of highly skilled Syrian refugees in Switzerland.
    In: Geoforum 125, 57-65, 2021. 
    Site web
    Bertrand Audrin
    Implementing self-service technologies: not without competition!
    In: International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 48(2), 169-185, 2019. 
    Site web
    Eric Davoine, Ludger Deitmer
    La formation duale allemande par l’apprentissage : un modèle exportable ?
    In: L'apprentissage et sa réussite - regards croisés des différents acteurs, Chap. 16, 145-151, 2019. 
    Site web
    Christoph Barmeyer, Eric Davoine, Peter Stokes
    When the ‘well-oiled machine’ meets the ‘pyramid of people:’ Role perceptions and hybrid working practices of middle managers in a binational organization – ARTE
    In: International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 28(1), 1-11, 2019. 
    Open Access
    Christoph Barmeyer, Eric Davoine
    Facilitating intercultural negotiated practices in joint ventures: The case of a French–German railway organization
    In: International Business Review, 28(1), 1-11, 2019. 
    Open Access
    Eric Davoine, Christoph Barmeyer, Clelia Rossi
    Retaining Repatriate Knowledge at the Crossroads Between Global Knowledge Management and Global Talent Management
    In: Management International, Vol. 22, 142-154, 2018. 
    Site web
    Eric Davoine, Markus Gmür
    L’anglosaxonisation de la recherche en Gestion des Ressources Humaines : Une analyse des réseaux de co-citations des revues RGRH et ZFP de 2001 à 2012
    In: Une vision des ressources humaines sans frontières - Mélanges en l’honneur de Jacques Igalens, Chap. II , 192-206, 2018. 
    Site web
    Bertrand Audrin, Eric Davoine
    Une analyse de l’activité du dirigeant de PME par le modèle demandes-contraintes-choix
    In: Recherches en Sciences de Gestion126, 29-56, 2018. 
    Site web
    Felix Bühlmann, Eric Davoine & Claudio Ravasi
    European top management careers: a fieldanalytical approach
    In: European Societies20(3), 453-477, 2018.
    Site web
    Bertrand Audrin, Eric Davoine
    La fonction RH face à la numérisation des organisations : le cas des outils de communication numérique
    In: Management & Avenir92(2), 15-39, 2017. 
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