Published on 02.10.2022

Congratulations to the first graduates of the Master in Environmental Sciences and Humanities

We are happy to announce the successful completion of the first two Master Studies: Melisa Kaymaz wrote her thesis on "Ethical analysis of strictly endangered species shooting exceptions under law: The case of the wolf (Canis lupus italicus) in Switzerland" and Ludovico Conti on "Framing rewilding as a restorative justice practice
From righting wrongs to practical implementations". 

The programmes in Environmental Sciences and Humanities educate generalists in environmental sciences with special competences in the environmental humanities and ethics. All programmes are based on an interfaculty and
humanistic approach. Within this highly interdisciplinary setting, students achieve competences in key fields
of the environmental sciences: biology, geosciences, environmental economy, environmental law, environmental humanities with a special emphasis on environmental ethics.

The Master Major program (120 ECTS) is an interdisciplinary programme with a special focus
on the environmental humanities and ethics and divided into six modules and the Master thesis. The environmental humanities module, the speciality of this Master programme, consists of courses in the fields of the environmental humanities and in ethics. Examples are courses in environmental ethics, methods of ethical decision-making and courses in environmental history and political ecology.

In the Master Minor program (30 ECTS) students acquire key competences in environmental sciences with a special emphasis on ethical decision-making in environmental practice.