Public events

The public events of the Faculty of science and medicine and of its units aim to inform the public about our research, but also to awaken the curiosity of future generations and to share the enthusiasm of our scientists.

  • For children

    Goûters scientifiques

    The goûters scientifiques allow children between 8 and 12 to get to know the scientific world in a fun environment.



    KidsUni, an organization of the Department of Chemistry and of the Adolphe Merkle Institute, offers Chemistry workshops for children between 9 and 11.


    Journée Futur en tous genres

    This day allows children between the ages of 10 and 11 to discover new professions, in order to give them ideas of possible future careers


  • For teenagers

    Science for Youth (SFY)

    The SFY internships are made for high school students from the canton of Fribourg and aim to awaken their interest for technical and scientific careers.


    Swiss Youth in Science

    The organization Swiss Yoth in Science offers study weeks in various scientific fields for children between the ages of 10 and 13. At the University of Fribourg, study weeks in chemistry and material sciences are offered.


    Physics discovery half-days

    The Department of physics offers half-days for middle schoolers to discover physics.



    The project Lab2rue, which belongs to the Department of Biology, offers activities related to Biology to high schoolers


    Girls on Ice

    Expedition to discover a glacier and its surroundings during 9 days. For young women aged 15 to 17.

    Teachers can contact the Departments directly if they want to organize lab visits, practicals or supervisors for Maturity works.

  • For all


    Open door days of the University of Fribourg.


    Cafés Scientifiques

    The Cafés scientifiques of the University of Fribourg offer a discussion between the public, scientists, and experts of different backgrounds.


    Chemistry shows

    The chemistry department organizes shows full of smoke and explosions for large groups of viewers.


    Chaim Weizmann lectures

    Well-known personalities from the Chemistry world are invited to give presentations during the Chaim Weizmann lectures at the Department of Chemistry

  • Events at the Botanical garden

    All year-round, the Botanical garden welcomes visitors who come to admire the plants, go for a walk or have picknick on a bench. The Botanical garden also organizes activities which are open to the public.

    Activities at the of the Botanical garden