Transition dispositions
The transition dispositions regulate the transition modalities when teaching units change between curricula of subsequent years. They contain additive changes to the previous versions and apply to majors, propaedeutics, and minors.
- 2024
Curricula 2023 – Transition disposition
Transition en biologie, biochimie, bioinformatique - BL-BC-BI
Transition in Digital Neuroscience - DN
Transition in Experimental biomedical research - EBR
Transitions en sciences de l'environnement - SE
Transition en Sciences de la Terre - ST
Transition pour la branche enseignable en géosciences - BScSI-GS
Transition pour la branche enseignable en sciences naturelles - BScSI-SN
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
Curricula 2019 – Transition disposition
Transitions en informatique - IN
Transitions en géographie - GG
- 2018
- 2017